Agenda item

Recommendations from the Executive and Committees to Council

To consider recommendations to the Council, details of which are set out in the attached items as 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D(i) & (ii).


Reports are available on the website as listed below:



Executive / Committee




Worthing Joint Strategic Sub-Committee


8 November 2022

Worthing Local Plan


Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee

24 November 2022



Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme Report


Work Programme


Joint Audit and Governance Committee


29 November 2022

Members Allowances 2022/23


Worthing Joint Strategic Sub-Committee

5 December 2022

(i) 2023/24 Budget Update


(ii) Outcome of the public consultation in respect of the working age Council Tax Support Scheme for Worthing Borough Council in respect of 2023/24





Council had, before it, recommendations from the Worthing Joint Strategic Sub-Committee, the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Joint Audit and Governance Committee.


Extracts of these minutes had been circulated as items 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D(i) & (ii).


Item 7A                       Worthing Joint Strategic Sub-Committee - 8 November 2022


Worthing Local Plan


The Mayor advised Council that consideration of agenda item 7A, the Worthing Local Plan, was to be deferred to an alternative date.


The Council had become aware of an inaccuracy in the supporting information to the Worthing Local Plan which required consideration.  The Mayor advised that this information was deemed exempt as it related to the business and financial affairs of the Council.


As the Local Plan was a very important document, the Council was pausing the process whilst this issue was considered further.



Item 7B           Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 24 November 2022


JOSC Work Programme review


The Chair of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Roser, proposed the recommendation from the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 24 November 2022.


During debate of the item, Members raised concerns about the size of the work programme and the number of Cabinet Member Interviews.


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Dan Hermitage and unanimously supported.




That Worthing Borough Council noted the changes made to the JOSC Work Programme since it was agreed by both Councils in April 2022.



Item 7C           Joint Audit & Governance Committee - 29 November 2022


Members Allowances 2022/23


The Chair of the Joint Audit & Governance Committee, Cllr Mike Barrett, proposed that the recommendations from the Joint Audit & Governance Committee meeting held on 29 November 2022. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Dan Hermitage.


The motion was debated with consideration given to the budget, the current scheme of allowances and the amount of work undertaken by Councillors.


Councillor Thorpe wished to place on record that she would not be accepting the 5.82% rise to her basic allowance and that all councillors could choose to do the same. 


Following a vote (For 22, Against 1, Abstentions 12), the motion was supported.




That Worthing Borough Council approved that Members Allowances for 2022/23 be increased by 5.82% in line with the weighted average of the NJC pay bargaining agreement for 2022/23.


Item 7D(i)       Worthing Joint Strategic Sub-Committee - 5 December 2022


2023/24 Budget Update


The Leader of the Council proposed the recommendations from the meeting held on 5 December 2022.


The proposal was seconded by Councillor John Turley and unanimously supported.




That Worthing Borough Council approved the use of capital receipts to support the delivery of the budget as set out in appendix 4.



Item 7D(ii)      Worthing Joint Strategic Sub-Committee - 5 December 2022


Outcome of the public consultation in respect of the working age Council Tax Support Scheme for Worthing Borough Council in respect of 2023/24


The Leader of the Council, proposed the recommendations from the meeting held on 5 December 2022.


Following debate of the item, the proposal was seconded by Councillor Samuel Theodoridi and supported following a vote (For 21, Against 0, Abstentions 14).




That Worthing Borough Council approved that with effect from 1 April 2023 the following changes should be made to the local Council Tax Support scheme for working age residents in Worthing:-


1.    The £5.00 weekly restriction would no longer apply.


2.    The discretionary budget to support those in severe financial difficulty would no longer be required as a result of the removal of the restriction.


3.    A valid claim for Council Tax Support would be deemed to have been made by customers who had been awarded Universal Credit and indicated that they wished to claim Council Tax Support (unless further information was required to enable entitlement to be determined).


4.    No other changes would be made beyond necessary technical amendments required to keep the scheme consistent with the national rules in respect of Housing Benefit

Supporting documents: