Issue details

Variation to the remediation contract at Decoy Farm

To enable additional works to be carried out, to even out the gradients of the three platform levels and for the provision of a geotextile membrane and capping layer across the site.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Letting/Re-Letting of Contracts of value >£100,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/01/2021

Decision due: Not before 8th Feb 2021 by Director for Place

Lead director: Martin Randall

Contact: Ann Phillips, Project Manager, Major Projects & Investment Team Email:

Consultation process

·       Members were consulted on the project at the Joint Strategic Committee meeting of the 9th June 2020.

·       The Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer, the Head of Procurement and the Chief Financial Officer have all been consulted on the proposal to vary the contract.

·       The Head of Legal Services has given formal consent for the contract to be extended given the provisions in the Council’s Contract Standing Orders and that the figures involved in the contract remain under the EU threshold for works.
