Executive post

Worthing Leader

Logo for Worthing Leader


What does this Cabinet Member do?


Leader: Portfolio


Message from the Leader


Responsibility for the following functions:


·         Community Wealth Building Programme

·         Overall policy and strategy (vision and priorities)

·         Democratic Services, including committee management

·         Greater Brighton Economic Board(strategic matters)

·         Devolution and County liaison lead, including education and highways (Active/sustainable transport, in partnership with Regeneration’s management of transport planning &infrastructure)

·         Electoral Services within the remit of the Cabinet.

·         External relations, including complaints management, marketing and promotion

·         Head of Paid Service responsibilities

·         Mayor of the Borough and civic matters

·         Media and communications (internal and external)

·         Member Services

·         Partnership working (lead)

·         Performance management, including improvement plans

·         Reputation management, including risk (policy)


Individual and Joint Executive Decisions can be found from the following link: Individual Member Executive Decisions



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