Before the Committee was a report by the Director for the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 9.
The report updated the Joint Strategic Committee on a proposed project to work closely with residents on the Southwick Estate in South Southwick to improve housing standards in the area.
The report set out the current issues with the properties and how these impacted on tenants and leaseholders.
The report sought agreement from the Committee to engage with local residents to explore further the various options to improve housing standards in the area and to work with local residents on developing the options set out in the report for the future of the Southwick Estate.
Members and the ACF representative expressed their support for the proposals.
The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor Carson Albury, seconded by Councillor Angus Dunn and supported by the Committee.
The Joint Strategic Committee:
· approved the undertaking of essential health and safety works to blocks at the site;
· approved funding of £140,000 to conduct a procurement exercise to carry out phase 1 of the engagement and options development work on the future of the estate funded from the new development and acquisition reserve and authorise the Director for Communities to enter into any contract for delivery within the approved budget;
· noted that following phase 1, a further report would be presented to members to consider project progress and release further funding if necessary;
· approved the acquisition of the land as set out in the exempt appendix 1 which would be funded from the Hidden Homes budget subject to approval by the Executive Member for Customer Services following the submission of a business case report.
Call In:
The call-in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 12 April 2021.