Issue - decisions

Delivering our Housing Strategy - Adur and Worthing Councils' Housing Allocations Policies

14/02/2020 - Delivering our Housing Strategy - Adur and Worthing Councils' Housing Allocations Policies

Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Communities, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 5.


The report updated the Committee on the responses to the public consultation on Adur District and Worthing Borough Councils Housing Allocation Policies, and sought approval of both policies. 


The Committee sought clarification regarding those who had been consulted. Officers advised that all those on Band D of the register had been written to and a number of focus groups had also been consulted. 


A Member suggested that more results could have been included in the report from the the focus groups consulted. Members also discussed the frequency of reviews of the allocations policies, suggesting that it be reviewed every 3 years or when legislation required it.  




The Joint Strategic Committee: 


1.    noted the results of the consultation as set out in section 4 of the report;


2.    recommended to Adur District Council that they approve and adopt the Adur District Council Housing Allocation Policy;


3.    recommended to the Worthing Borough Council that they approve and adopt the Worthing Borough Council Housing Allocation Policy;


4.    delegated authority to the Head of Housing, in consultation with the Executive Members for Customer Services, to determine the implementation date of the policy;


5.    delegated authority to the Housing Needs Manager to approve rehousing cases on the basis of exceptional circumstances.


Call In: 


The call-in deadline for decisions 1, 4 & 5 will be 5.00pm on 21 February 2020.


There is no call-in for decisions 2 & 3 which were recommendations to Adur and Worthing Councils.