Agenda item

1st Quarter Capital Investment Programme & Projects Monitoring 2019/20

To consider a report from the Director for Digital & Resources, a copy is attached as item 6.


Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Digital & Resources, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 6. 


The report updated the Joint Strategic Committee with the progress made on the 2019/20 Capital Investment Programmes for Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council. The programmes included schemes which supported the delivery of services by the Joint Services Committee.


Clarification was sought regarding the cost of a replacement digital camera for the Connaught Studio (£65k). Officers advised that the equipment was a digital camera / projector which was used to livestream events and that the cost would be repaid by the Trust over the next three years by reducing down the annual contract payment by £15k per year. 


A Member queried whether the virement of £50k from the DDA coastal footpath, to the Southwick Leisure Centre, was premature. Officers advised that colleagues in Technical Services were confident that the tender would come in under budget but agreed to provide additional information following the meeting. 


Another Member sought an assurance that the timeline for delivery in relation to the Decoy Farm site was realistic and questioned the £42k provision for replacement Boundary Signs. Officers advised that timescales for delivery of the Decoy Farm site were anticipated in 2020/21. The Leader of Worthing Council agreed to investigate the provision for Boundary Signage. 




The Joint Strategic Committee:-


a)    with respect to the Capital Investment Programme of Adur District Council


              i.    noted the reprofiling of the Adur District Council capital schemes as advised in paragraphs 8.2.1 and Appendix 3;


             ii.    noted that a virement of £50,000 from the DDA coastal footpath to the Southwick Leisure Centre outdoor all weather pitch, as detailed in paragraph 8.2.3, was approved by the Director of Communities to resolve a potential overspend against this budget;


            iii.    noted the confirmation of £590,000 external funding from the Environment Agency towards the Coast Protection Works at Shoreham Western Harbour Arm as detailed in paragraph 8.2.5;


           iv.    approved the addition of the purchase of Trade Refuse Bins to the 2019/20 and 2020/21 Capital Investment Programme funded from revenue contributions of £7,500 detailed in paragraph 8.1.2;


            v.    approved the inclusion of Play Area Improvements at Sompting Recreation Ground funded from a virement of £100,800 from the Middle Road Play Area Improvements as detailed in paragraph 8.2.4.


b)    with respect to the Capital Investment Programme of Worthing Borough Council


              i.    noted the reprofiling of the Worthing Borough Council capital schemes as advised in paragraphs 8.3.1 and Appendix 4;


             ii.    approved the virements from the budget provision for the Town Hall Asbestos Removal to support a re-prioritised scheme of asbestos management surveying and works, Seafront Fire Safety Works Budget and the Durrington Cemetery Extension for Additional Burial Spaces Budget as detailed in paragraph as detailed in paragraph 8.3.3 and 8.3.6;


            iii.    approved the virements to amalgamate all the budgets in the Capital Investment Programme for the Brooklands Park Development into one programme of works totalling £502,610 as detailed in paragraph 8.3.7;


           iv.    approved the virement of £150,000 from the unallocated public convenience budget to the Highdown Gardens Infrastructure Scheme for the improvement to the Highdown Gardens public convenience detailed in paragraph 8.3.8;


            v.    approved the ring-fencing of 2019/20 Capital Investment Programme Contingency as a provision for the internal works to the new Durrington Community Centre to ensure the building is ready for use by a new tenant detailed in paragraph 8.3.9;


           vi.    approved the procurement of a cremulator and transfer table for the Crematorium be included in the 2019/20 Capital Investment Programme funded from the 2019/20 Capital Investment Programme General Contingency Budget as detailed in paragraph 8.3.4;


          vii.    approved the inclusion of the development of the Crematorium Children’s Garden in the 2019/20 Capital Investment Programme funded from the unallocated Crematorium Improvements Budget in 2020/21 as detailed in paragraph 8.3.5;


         viii.    agreed to the addition of the purchase of Trade Refuse Bins to the 2019/20 and 2020/21 Capital Investment Programme funded from revenue contributions of £17,500 detailed in paragraph 8.1.2;


           ix.    approved the inclusion within the capital programme of a new digital camera for the Connaught Theatre funded by £20,000 from the levy budget and £45,000 from the Treasury Management budget as detailed in paragraph 8.3.10.


Call In: 


The call-in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 20 September 2019.


Supporting documents: