To consider and set the Council Tax for 2024/25.
A separate budget pack, produced by the Director for Digital, Sustainability and Resources, is attached as item 9, and the recommendations from the Cabinet, at item 6B and 6C, will also be considered as part of this item.
The Leader of the Council introduced the budget and setting of the council tax to members and delivered his budget speech (appended to these minutes as Appendix 1).
Cllr Angus Dunn seconded the budget proposals.
The Leader of the Labour group made a speech to the Council and proposed the Labour Group’s amendments. These were as follows:-
Labour amendments to the Adur Budget February 2024
It is important for the future stability of Adur District Council finances and services to residents that the opportunity is taken to transfer an element of this year’s surplus to the reserves general fund.
This amendments allow general fund reserves to be increased while the council also further supports the missions, described in Our Plan; thriving people, thriving places, thriving environment, thriving economy,
The amendments below total £43,800 and will be drawn from the £200,000 proposed to be added to general fund reserves. This investment would not affect existing reserves and still allowed an addition to reserves of more than £155,000.
It is anticipated that alongside the investment in our future outlined here that officers will seek additional funding from outside sources to extend and further develop a number of these proposals.
1. A clean up of our town and village centres. Undertake a big green clean-up where residents have the opportunity to help our district to be clean and green.
This will include:
Cost: £11,000
2. Improve marketing, signposting and a visitor trail across Adur to encourage local shopping, access to heritage and our ecotourism destinations, working towards new, attractive direction and information boards at Lancing, Shoreham, Southwick, colourful lamppost banners to improve the street scene at Lancing (in conjunction with the Parish Council).
Officer time to establish options for trails and signage; design of boards, provision of four boards, seeking external funds for further boards, provision of trail direction posts: £17,000
3. Ensure the voices of local people are heard in updating Adur’s Local Plan. The
Adur Plan will frame how Adur develops in the coming years and will determine issues recognised as of importance by the local community including affordable housing provision, biodiversity and nature recovery. A consultation process more extensive than the Joint Statement of Community Involvement would ensure the perspectives and needs of different segments of the community are considered, including those of young people, women, those at work, with events across the district.
Information campaign to increase the size of the council’s consultee database, design and print run of summary document, communication team time (5 hours), officer support and costs for two meetings: £4,000
4. Identify further solar/air source heat pumps projects (with battery storage) on
council properties, storage and local use. A feasibility survey for consideration for
inclusion in the capital plan for 2025/26.
Cost: feasibility building survey, system design work, finance business case (3 hours strategic finance support), structural survey, business case development (3 hours operational support), decarbonisation team data collection and analysis (10 hours operational support), technical/legal advice contingency. £3,800
5. Plant wildflower and ecological corridors on verges and open spaces sites. A pilot site to be identified: Purchase of Bees and Butterflies seed mix, parks staff time for sowing on site (20 hours per site), officer time on land access rights, agreement to plant (2 hours per site): £1,500
6. Review of open spaces to identify greywater opportunities along with the
development of rain gardens and other sustainable urban drainage solutions
(SUDS) in council buildings, local parks and green spaces. A feasibility survey for
consideration for inclusion in the capital plan for 2025/26.
Cost: feasibility building survey, system design work, finance business case (3 hours strategic finance support), structural survey, business case development (3 hours operational support), decarbonisation team data collection and analysis (10 hours operational support), technical/legal advice contingency. £3,800
7. Review public spaces in terms of the safety of women and young people
Engage residents in the design of our green public spaces. Research to establish where lighting is needed in selected outdoor spaces to make them accessible to all throughout the year, the provision of disabled access and women-girls friendly equipment and seating at local parks. Staff time, research and technical advice: £1,200
8. Devise and deliver an action plan with key partners to provide support to our
most vulnerable residents during this cost of living crisis; further pop-up cost of
living information sessions in accessible venues in Sompting, Lancing, Shoreham,
Southwick, Fishergate, supporting the council’s Proactive programme.
Staff time in scoping, engaging with partners: £1,500
The proposed amendments from the Labour Group were seconded by Councillor Lee Cowen.
The Leader of the Green Group gave a speech on the proposed budget.
The Leader of the Shoreham Beach Residents Association (SBRA) gave a speech on the proposed budget.
The Council debated the budget and proposed amendments before it. Both the Leader of the Main Opposition Group and the Leader of the Council were given the right of reply.
The Council voted on the proposed amendments as follows (proposed amendments attached to these minutes as an appendix)
Amendment 1
For (11): Councillors: Arnold, Baine, Cowen, Crisp, Flower, Gardner, Harvey, O’Neal, Shinn, Sluman and Stainforth.
Agains(16)t: Councillors; Carol Albury, Carson Albury, Barton, Bellasis, Boram, Bridges, Buxton, Dunn, Evans, Funnell, Loader, McGregor, Neocleous, Pannell, Parkin and Watts.
Abstain: Nil
The amendment was not supported.
Amendment 2
For (11): Councillors: Arnold, Baine, Cowen, Crisp, Flower, Gardner, Harvey, O’Neal, Shinn, Sluman and Stainforth.
Against (16): Councillors; Carol Albury, Carson Albury, Barton, Bellasis, Boram, Bridges, Buxton, Dunn, Evans, Funnell, Loader, McGregor, Neocleous, Pannell, Parkin and Watts.
Abstentions (0): Nil
The amendment was not supported.
Amendment 3
For (13): Councillors: Arnold, Baine, Cowen, Crisp, Flower, Gardner, Harvey, Loader, O’Neal, Shinn, Sluman, Stainforth and Watts.
Against (14): Councillors; Carol Albury, Carson Albury, Barton, Bellasis, Boram, Bridges, Buxton, Dunn, Evans, Funnell, McGregor, Neocleous, Pannell and Parkin.
Abstentions (0): Nil
The amendment was not supported.
Amendment 4
For (12): Councillors: Arnold, Baine, Cowen, Crisp, Flower, Gardner, Harvey, O’Neal, Shinn, Sluman, Stainforth and Watts.
Against (15): Councillors; Carol Albury, Carson Albury, Barton, Bellasis, Boram, Bridges, Buxton, Dunn, Evans, Funnell, Loader, McGregor, Neocleous, Pannell and Parkin.
Abstentions (0): Nil
The amendment was not supported.
Amendment 5
For (11): Councillors: Arnold, Baine, Cowen, Crisp, Flower, Gardner, Harvey, O’Neal, Shinn, Sluman and Stainforth.
Against (16): Councillors; Carol Albury, Carson Albury, Barton, Bellasis, Boram, Bridges, Buxton, Dunn, Evans, Funnell, Loader, McGregor, Neocleous, Pannell, Parkin and Watts.
Abstentions (0): Nil
The amendment was not supported.
Amendment 6
For (13): Councillors: Arnold, Baine, Cowen, Crisp, Flower, Gardner, Harvey, Loader, O’Neal, Shinn, Sluman, Stainforth and Watts.
Against (14): Councillors; Carol Albury, Carson Albury, Barton, Bellasis, Boram, Bridges, Buxton, Dunn, Evans, Funnell, McGregor, Neocleous, Pannell and Parkin.
Abstentions (0): Nil
The amendment was not supported.
Amendment 7
For (13): Councillors: Arnold, Baine, Cowen, Crisp, Flower, Gardner, Harvey, Loader, O’Neal, Shinn, Sluman, Stainforth and Watts.
Against (14): Councillors; Carol Albury, Carson Albury, Barton, Bellasis, Boram, Bridges, Buxton, Dunn, Evans, Funnell, McGregor, Neocleous, Pannell and Parkin.
Abstentions (0): Nil
The amendment was not supported.
Amendment 8
For (14): Councillors: Arnold, Baine, Bridges, Cowen, Crisp, Flower, Gardner, Harvey, Loader, O’Neal, Shinn, Sluman, Stainforth and Watts.
Against (13): Councillors; Carol Albury, Carson Albury, Barton, Bellasis, Boram, Buxton, Dunn, Evans, Funnell, McGregor, Neocleous, Pannell and Parkin.
Abstentions (0): Nil
The amendment was supported.
In accordance with the Budget Procedure Rules, the Section 151 Officer made a statement on how the amendment affected the Council Tax proposal and the budget proposals. She advised that the overall budget did not change, however, the portfolio for Communities and Wellbeing would increase by £1,500 and the transfer to reserves would reduce by £1,500.
The Council voted on the substantive motion, as amended;
For (27): Councillors; Carole Albury, Carson Albury, Arnold, Baine, Barton, Bellasis, Boram, Bridges, Buxton, Cowen, Crisp, Dunn, Evans, Flower, Funnell, Gardner, Harvey, Loader, McGregor, Neocleous, O’Neal, Pannell, Parkin, Shinn, Sluman, Stainforth and Watts
Against (0): Nil
Abstentions (0): Nil
1. It is noted that on 1st February 2024, the Cabinet calculated the Council Tax Base for 2024/25.
a) for the whole Council area as 22,409.90 [Item T in the formula in Section 31B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the “Act”)]; and
b) for dwellings in those parts of its area to which a Parish precept relates as set out below:
Lancing Parish Council |
6,835.00 |
Sompting Parish Council |
2,879.10 |
All other areas including Shoreham, Southwick and Coombes |
12,695.80 |
2. That the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2024/25 (excluding Parish precepts) is £7,478,630.
3. That the following amounts be calculated by the Council for the year 2024/25 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Act:
(a) £59,661,284 |
being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils
(b) £51,725,554 |
being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act.
(c) £7,935,730 |
being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act, as its Council Tax requirement for the year. (Item R), in the formula in Section 31B of the Act).
(d) £354.12 |
being the amount at 3(c) above (Item R), all divided by Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31B of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts). |
(e) £457,100 |
being the aggregate amount of all special items (Parish precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act (as per the attached Appendix C).
(f) £333.72 |
being the amount at 3(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 3(e) above by Item T (1(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year.
(g) £448,090 |
being the aggregate amount of all special expenses (not applicable in the Lancing Parish area)
(h) £313.74 |
being the amount at 3(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 3(e) and 3(g) above by Item T (1a above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no Parish precept or Special Expense relates. |
4. |
That it be noted that for the year 2024/25 the West Sussex County Council and The Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex have issued precepts to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for each category of dwellings in the Council’s area as indicated in the table below:- |
All of the Council’s Area |
Band A |
Band B |
Band C |
Band D |
Band E |
Band F |
Band G |
Band H |
2024/25 |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
West Sussex County Council Total as split below: |
1,143.30 |
1,333.85 |
1,524.40 |
1,714.95 |
2,096.05 |
2,477.15 |
2,858.25 |
3,429.90 |
West Sussex - Core Precept |
977.58 |
1,140.51 |
1,303.44 |
1,466.37 |
1,792.23 |
2,118.09 |
2,443.95 |
2,932.74 |
West Sussex - Adult Social Care Precept |
165.72 |
193.34 |
220.96 |
248.58 |
303.82 |
359.06 |
414.30 |
497.16 |
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex |
168.61 |
196.71 |
224.81 |
252.91 |
309.11 |
365.31 |
421.52 |
505.82 |
5. |
That the Council, in accordance with Sections 30 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the amounts shown below as the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2024/25 for each part of its area and for each of the categories of dwellings:
Council Tax Schedule |
Band A |
Band B |
Band C |
Band D |
Band E |
Band F |
Band G |
Band H |
2024/25 |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
West Sussex County Council Total split as below: |
1,143.30 |
1,333.85 |
1,524.40 |
1,714.95 |
2,096.05 |
2,477.15 |
2,858.25 |
3,429.90 |
West Sussex - Core Precept |
977.58 |
1,140.51 |
1,303.44 |
1,466.37 |
1,792.23 |
2,118.09 |
2,443.95 |
2,932.74 |
West Sussex - Adult Social Care Precept |
165.72 |
193.34 |
220.96 |
248.58 |
303.82 |
359.06 |
414.30 |
497.16 |
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex |
168.61 |
196.71 |
224.81 |
252.91 |
309.11 |
365.31 |
421.52 |
505.82 |
Parish of Lancing area total as split below: |
243.72 |
284.34 |
324.96 |
365.58 |
446.82 |
528.06 |
609.30 |
731.16 |
Adur District Council Core Precept |
209.16 |
244.02 |
278.88 |
313.74 |
383.46 |
453.18 |
522.90 |
627.48 |
Lancing Parish Precept |
34.56 |
40.32 |
46.08 |
51.84 |
63.36 |
74.88 |
86.40 |
103.68 |
1,555.63 |
1,814.90 |
2,074.17 |
2,333.44 |
2,851.98 |
3,370.52 |
3,889.07 |
4,666.88 |
Council Tax Schedule |
Band A |
Band B |
Band C |
Band D |
Band E |
Band F |
Band G |
Band H |
2024/25 |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
West Sussex County Council Total split as below: |
1,143.30 |
1,333.85 |
1,524.40 |
1,714.95 |
2,096.05 |
2,477.15 |
2,858.25 |
3,429.90 |
West Sussex - Core Precept |
977.58 |
1,140.51 |
1,303.44 |
1,466.37 |
1,792.23 |
2,118.09 |
2,443.95 |
2,932.74 |
West Sussex - Adult Social Care Precept |
165.72 |
193.34 |
220.96 |
248.58 |
303.82 |
359.06 |
414.30 |
497.16 |
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex |
168.61 |
196.71 |
224.81 |
252.91 |
309.11 |
365.31 |
421.52 |
505.82 |
Parish of Sompting area total as split below: |
252.12 |
294.14 |
336.16 |
378.18 |
462.22 |
546.26 |
630.00 |
756.36 |
Adur District Council Core Precept |
209.16 |
244.02 |
278.88 |
313.74 |
383.46 |
453.18 |
522.90 |
627.48 |
Sompting Parish Precept |
23.76 |
27.72 |
31.68 |
35.64 |
43.56 |
51.48 |
59.40 |
71.28 |
Special Expenses |
19.20 |
22.40 |
25.60 |
28.80 |
35.20 |
41.60 |
48.00 |
57.60 |
1,564.03 |
1,824.70 |
2,085.37 |
2,346.04 |
2,867.38 |
3,388.72 |
3,910.07 |
4,692.08 |
Council Tax Schedule |
Band A |
Band B |
Band C |
Band D |
Band E |
Band F |
Band G |
Band H |
2024/25 |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
West Sussex County Council Total split as below: |
1,143.30 |
1,333.85 |
1,524.40 |
1,714.95 |
2,096.05 |
2,477.15 |
2,858.25 |
3,429.90 |
West Sussex - Core Precept |
977.58 |
1,140.51 |
1,303.44 |
1,466.37 |
1,792.23 |
2,118.09 |
2,443.95 |
2,932.74 |
West Sussex - Adult Social Care Precept |
165.72 |
193.34 |
220.96 |
248.58 |
303.82 |
359.06 |
414.30 |
497.16 |
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex |
168.61 |
196.71 |
224.81 |
252.91 |
309.11 |
365.31 |
421.52 |
505.82 |
All other areas total as split below: |
228.36 |
266.42 |
304.48 |
342.54 |
418.66 |
494.78 |
570.90 |
685.08 |
Adur District Council Core Precept |
209.16 |
244.02 |
278.88 |
313.74 |
383.46 |
453.18 |
522.90 |
627.48 |
Special Expenses |
19.20 |
22.40 |
25.60 |
28.80 |
35.20 |
41.60 |
48.00 |
57.60 |
1,540.27 |
1,796.98 |
2,053.69 |
2,310.40 |
2,823.82 |
3,337.24 |
3,850.67 |
4,620.80 |
In accordance with the budget procedure rules, the Chairman asked the Leader if the budget as amended was accepted. The Leader confirmed that he accepted the budget and that the decision would have immediate effect.
Supporting documents: