Agenda item

Redevelopment of 5&7 High Street to provide Emergency and Temporary Accommodation (EA/TA)

To consider a report by the Director for Housing and Communities and the Director for Place, copy attached as item 8


Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Housing and Communities and the Director for Place, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 8.


The report before members sought approval for the refurbishment and extension of the Council owned property at 5-7 High Street and 52 Ann Street, Worthing to provide emergency and temporary accommodation (EA/TA) and requested a budget to complete the redevelopment of the site.


The recommendations supported the Council’s ambition to directly deliver homes for EA/TA and, if approved, would make a contribution towards the achievement of the targets set out in the Adur and Worthing Housing Strategy for 2020-2023, ‘Delivering Pathways to Affordable Homes’ document and subsequent Delivery Plans.


This report examined the increasing demand for EA/TA in Worthing, the Council’s commitment to owning its own stock of EA/TA, and reviewed the options available to the Council for the future of the buildings. It identified a Preferred Option (2) which entailed the retention of the facade of both buildings, demolition of the rear extensions and reconfiguration of the building into EA/TA flats. This option was the most economically viable and would help meet local housing needs.


The report also noted the continuation of Colonnade House as an economic contributor as well as the adjoining commercial / retail units. The introduction of temporary accommodation at 5-7 High Street would ensure all buildings had an ‘active use’ in this part of the town centre.


The legal position concerning the Overage to be applied to No. 5 High Street was being explored with West Sussex County Council to ensure that the Council’s Legal Team’s interpretation of the Overage clause within the Deed of Transfer is the same as that of West Sussex County Council’s legal team i.e. overage did not apply to the Preferred Option. Once this was determined, officers will be able to proceed at pace to appoint consultants to undertake the surveys and more detailed design work required to deliver this option.


A Member asked a question about the commercial and residential split between the proposed housing and the use of Colonnade House and if consultation had taken place with Colonnade House on the decision. Members were told that Colonnade House were content with the new scheme and were glad that there would be no interruption to commercial activity on the site.




1)     Subject to the Director for Place being satisfied (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources) that the overage provisions referred to in this report do not apply to the proposed preferred option and receipt of Homes England Funding referred to at paragraph 2.2 below, to approve the Preferred Option (2) to convert the buildings at 5 and 7 High Street and 52 Ann Street into EA/TA for the reasons outlined within this paper and to enable the council to fulfil its statutory housing duties under S188 and S193 of the Housing Act 1996.


2)     That a budget of £1,745,300 from the unallocated temporary and emergency accommodation budget to deliver the project, alongside anticipated funding of c.£600,000 from Homes England be approved


3)     That authority be delegated to the Director for Housing and Communities to invite tenders for the construction work, and to enter into all necessary contracts to enable the project to progress through the construction phase right through to completion.


4)     That the continuation of the commercial / retail uses to the south, including Colonnade House, as the adjoining buildings be noted.




The call-in deadline for the decisions will be 5.00pm on 14 December 2023.

Supporting documents: