Agenda item

Adur Homes

To consider a report by the Director for Housing and Communities copy attached as item 14


The Committee had a report before it as item 14, which had been circulated to all Members, a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes. 


This report provided a progress update on the Housing Improvement Plan to both the Adur Joint Strategic Sub-Committee and the Joint Audit and Governance Committee, following the self-referral to the Regulator for Social Housing earlier this year.


Members asked about voids going on the RAG report, growing the workforce with local institutions, tenant representatives on management boards, prioritisation and start date of the workforce and a Member to serve as a new complaints champion. 


Members were informed that voids could go on the RAG report and work was being done with Finance to see how quickly they could get through them, that the council was struggling to find good additional housing officers, however, there was an opportunity in the medium to long term to work with local colleges to grow the workforce. There was an Adur Homes advisory board with its’ terms of reference attached as an appendix with a list of who was on it but there were some gaps. The workforce was a priority to be focused on from the outset over three phases and there was a requirement for the council to have a Member as a Complaints Champion.


Members went on to debate the speed of response to complaints and how the Complaints champion should be selected. It was proposed, seconded and voted upon that the Director for Communities and Housing check on the Ombudsman’s requirements for the Member to serve as Complaints Champion and then to seek nominations from Members.




The Joint Audit and Governance Committee

I.                Noted the good progress being made to ensure that Adur Homes became fully compliant with regulatory standards and the wider programme of transformation to create safe, secure and sustainable homes for residents.

II.                Considered the progress being made on the outstanding audit actions as captured in paragraph (4.21, 7).

III.                Noted the progress being made with the overdue Freedom of Information Request at paragraph 2.1 (12) of this Report

IV.                Noted the fact and circumstances surrounding the Housing Ombudsman’s findings of maladministration at Paragraph 5 of this Report and attached redacted Appendices 6 & 7 and considered the proposed remedial actions.

V.                Agreed the Director for Housing and Communities would check on the Ombudsman’s requirements for the Member to serve as Complaints Champion and then seek nominations from Members.


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