Agenda item

Interview with Worthing Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing

To consider a report by the Director for Digital, Sustainability and Resources, copy attached as item 12


The Committee had a report before it, attached as item 12, which had been circulated to all Members, a copy of which is attached to a signed copy of these minutes. This report set out background information on the Portfolio of the Worthing Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing to enable the Committee to consider and question the Cabinet Member on issues within their portfolio and any other issues which the Cabinet Member was involved in connected with the work of the Council and the Worthing communities.


A Member asked “A couple of months ago, I took part in the Council's LGBTQ+ Big Listen event and heard of the fear these communities continue to experience when visiting pubs and bars in our town, as they are unsure of where they may be treated with hostility or even worse, experience hate crime. What is being done to protect the LGBTQ+ community in Worthing and show that we are an inclusive town that has a zero tolerance approach to prejudice and abuse?”


Members were informed the LGBTQ+ Big Listen event was held to ensure there were good community conversations with the LGBTQ+ residents, this was in addition to holding celebratory events around the month of Pride and the annual Pride event. The Cabinet Member said they stand with the LGBTQ+ communities against hate crime and actively encouraged such crimes to be reported. The Safer Communities team was there to support the community if additional assistance was needed in respect of Crime and Antisocial Behaviour.


A Member asked “Last year it was reported that 1 in 10 women in Britain say they have had their drink spiked at some time. What is being done to protect women from this crime and what more can be done to raise awareness of it and increase reporting?”


Members were told they proactively engaged with appropriate campaigns about women’s safety and publicised national and regional campaigns, such as those run by charities like Drinkaware and/or Stamp Out Spiking, this was alongside a suite of other campaigns such as Ask Angela, a campaign around women feeling unsafe in settings such as pubs and clubs and Ask Ani where there were concerns around domestic abuse.

The A&W Licensing Team coordinated a two date Drink Spiking Awareness event in South Street Square, Worthing. The event went well and the team spoke to over 100 people over two days. Giving out all the 100 anti-spiking scrunchies and over 200 anti-spiking bottle stops. The A&W Partnership Team were looking to repeat the event and Sussex Police Licensing used it in other areas such as Chichester. Feedback was good with the majority of people saying 'the event was a great initiative’. The support received from the 7 late night venues and other partner agencies was amazing. 


A Member asked “The Local Plan has a social objective to 'ensure new development integrates into existing communities, supporting local centres to enhance the well-being of all people, and reduce equalities'. How do you feel the council communications have been in speaking to all members of the community and enhancing the well-being of all residents? 


Members were informed that much of this was covered in the portfolio of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration however, they were doing participation work in West Durrington in relation to the housing development there.  This process had been inclusive and involved different groups within the community in the development of local community facilities, focusing on local needs and wants of the local population. Going forward they were building on the work here in relation to the future development of a community facility, ensuring that this was coproduced with local communities


A Member asked for Members of the opposition to be better informed of events ahead of time so they too could contribute and participate. 

Members were told that the expertise of opposition Members was welcome and this was a lesson for the future to work more closely together.


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