Agenda item

Improving the effectiveness of JOSC

To consider a report by the Director for Sustainability & Resources attached as item 11


The Committee had a report before it attached as item 11, which had been circulated to all Members and is attached to a signed copy of these minutes. The purpose of this report was to update Members of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JOSC) on the findings of the JOSC Workshop that took place on 13th April 2023 and for the Committee to consider the comments and proposals made at that Workshop which were presented in Appendix 1.


Members debated approaches to public engagement and awareness, the consideration that needed to be given to where the drive for change was coming from; that while outcomes from the workshop were good the workshop itself was not politically balanced. Members discussed the merits of auditing the different skills and knowledge bases that Members had as well as the number of questions Members were allowed to submit prior to meetings.

Resolved: The committee agreed 


I.                  To implement the following points from paragraph 4.2 of the report


? Pre-submitted questions are limited to 2 per Member to encourage effective on the spot scrutiny, at the Chairs’ discretion

?  That Cabinet Members be requested to provide a briefing note for their interviews in advance of the meeting;

?  That the Cabinet Members should provide their own written responses to Member questions with factual information provided by Officers. Such responses to be checked by the Democratic Services team to ensure any exempt information is properly shared in accordance with our Access to Information procedure rules.

?  That published reports remind JOSC Members that there is a question time section after each Cabinet Member interview and that Members may make recommendations.

?  If JOSC is keen for a Working Group to consider and develop a pre-decision making focus, then a shorter term strategy would be to include consideration of the Forward Plan of Key Decisions as an item on each JOSC agenda as part of the ongoing Work Programme.

?  Through communication with their Leaders JOSC works to create a culture of encouragement and support for its work, particularly in supporting the attendance of Cabinet Members at JOSC meetings when requested and in communication generally.

?  That JOSC monitors and reviews the Work Programme to ensure that the items on the work programme will deliver effective scrutiny and are still required.

?  That JOSC consider introducing informal business planning meetings or pre meetings before each JOSC meeting

?  As part of a training review, a mentoring scheme was proposed for new members to JOSC and also a social gathering event for all Members (‘speed dating’ or other informal gathering event was proposed) this would allow Member to get to know each other’s strengths provide support to new Members and build on confidence.

?  For JOSC to consider more active engagement with the public as witnesses and/or co-optees on matters before the Committee.

?  For Members to agree to a skills and experience audit, to enable the Committee to effectively include Members comments when discussing certain agenda items and/or for appointments to Working Groups.

?  That the JOSC Work Programme business be RAG rated to cover upcoming business and this can be implemented immediately if agreed.  That a request will be made to review the cycle of the venues when considering the 2024/25 meeting dates.

II.                      To appoint Councillors Bellasis, Hermitage, Loader, Mercer, Sluman and Sparkes to a working group to review those terms of reference for Improving the effectiveness of JOSC.


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