Agenda item

Questions from the public

To receive any questions from members of the public addressed to Members of the Executive in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. There is up to 5 minutes for each question, one supplementary question may be asked arising from the original question.


Questions must relate to any matter the Council has power or which affects the District except no questions may be asked on


a)    A specific planning or licensing application

b)    A specific staffing appointment or appeal or Standards determination


Public question time will last up to 30 minute; questions will be taken in order of receipt. The deadline for submissions is 17th April 2023 at 12 noon.


Questions to be submitted to


The Chairman advised that 2 public questions had been received in advance of the meeting.


Q1 from Mr Ben Abbo to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources - Cllr Angus Dunn


Given that section 5.5 of the Meads report recommending a hybrid pitch in the Meads fenced area states that the solution should deliver a significant improvement to the current drainage situation in the wider Meads:


Will there be a drainage and flood risk assessment of hybrid pitch solutions, undertaken by experts, independent of the pitch suppliers who understand the complex issues with the current local drainage system and the area’s flood risks including the coming impacts of climate change, that includes the whole surrounding area, including the houses next to the school that already suffer from flooding and the school itself that has had backed up sewage incidents also affecting neighbouring gardens, and undertaken in winter, when the drainage system is most stressed and flooding and water logging commonplace?


The Cabinet Member replied that as part of the project, advice would be sought from the Council's in-house team and consultants to advise on the implications for flood risk, mindful of the climate emergency.  As you rightly point out, the intention is to make things better, not worse, as the Council delivers this important new facility that will improve opportunities for play and recreation at the Meads.


Mr Abbo asked the following supplementary question:-


How much of the S106 money will be used for project management, including the cost of commissioning a drainage and flood risk assessment?


The Cabinet Member replied that the Council didn’t know at this stage in the project but would allow for this in its project management.


Q2 from Mr Tony Hodgson to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategic Planning - Cllr Steve Neocleous


My main question is:


Now that new residential and commercial development along the Western Harbour Arm is well underway and a further large-scale planning application was recently approved, could the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategic Planning state what estimated economic value to the Adur District local economy is forecast by the current Joint Area Action Plan for the Western Harbour Arm and whether it is on track for Adur District to achieve this economic benefit?


The Cabinet Member replied that the Shoreham Harbour regeneration supported development in two significant ways.


Firstly, by delivering the port masterplan which protects existing jobs by consolidating port-related activities along the Eastern Harbour Arm and Canal Basin. This would assist in facilitating the Port Masterplan and supported the existing 1,600 jobs from businesses located at the port.


Along with delivering housing 1,100 homes in Adur, the policies in the JAAP also supported the delivery of 23,500sqm of employment generating floorspace in the harbour area, increasing job opportunities and supporting economic growth.


Figures from the Home Building Federation indicated that the development of 1,100 homes would:


·         Support the employment of 3,410 people

·         Provide 37 apprentices, graduates or trainees

·         Increase open space, community sport, leisure spending by £886,820  which could for example provide 50 x 5-a-side football pitches

·         Create 330 affordable homes

·         Generate £886,820 towards education spending which could provide up to 418 classroom spaces.

·         Generate £13,258,300 in tax revenue

·         Including £1,242,406 in council tax revenue


The Council knew from the planning applications coming through that Adur District was likely to exceed the 1,100 homes figure in the Joint Area Action Plan so it was likely that the Council would significantly exceed these figures and deliver a huge economic impact within Adur District.


Mr Hodgson asked the following supplementary question:-


In the forthcoming update to the Adur Local Plan, does Adur Council intend to assess and estimate the actual overall economic value to the Adur District local economy of any strategic regeneration and development plans or policies that may be proposed?


The Cabinet Member replied that the National Planning Policy Framework was clear that sustainable development was the balance between social, environmental and economic development and a key focus for the local plan would be on growing and supporting the local economy.


The Plan would be accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal which would outline the anticipated economic value created by the development in the plan.