Agenda item

Public Question Time

So as to provide the best opportunity for the Committee to provide the public with the fullest answer, questions from the public should be submitted by midday on Thursday 4 August 2022.


Where relevant notice of a question has not been given, the person presiding may either choose to give a response at the meeting or respond by undertaking to provide a written response within three working days.


Questions should be submitted to Democratic Services –


(Note:  Public Question Time will last for a maximum of 30 minutes)


Bill Freeman on behalf of Adur Floodwatch Group & Lancing Manor SE Residents Network asked - 


Please bear with me for a few moments whilst I give you the context of my question.

Adur Floodwatch reported to the Adur drainage engineer last month that Manor Car

Sales had flooding problems last winter. They are located on the A27 westbound

behind the carwash next to the NMF development. Last winter, despite the lower

than seasonal levels of rainfall and groundwater, this businesses forecourt for

periods of time had ankle deep flooding across pretty much all their site. This is the

first time this has happened in the 3 years they have been there.

So what changes have taken place to cause this?


Change 1 A long, 12 feet high earth mound has been created east of the adjoining

Mash Barn Lane. This may be temporary until the ground is reprofiled for the school

site when we assume it will be brought back to original levels.

Change 2. The N Lancing drainage ditch runs from the Horsey Field west of Mash

Barn Lane have been diverted now into the Northern Channel which overpumps into

the River. The ditch into which that drainage originally flowed from the Horsey Field

into the NMF ditch network has been filled in order to make ground for the

commercial area originally designated for IKEA.

Change 3. The first phase of the Cala Homes development has taken place and we

understand that it, too, is having winter drainage problems requiring specialist

attention. We are certain that this 1st phase development has contributed to the

flooding in the Horsey fields last winter, despite the low levels of rainfall and

groundwater. This also reported to Adur drainage engineer with photographic


As required by the NPPF para 167, developments should not cause such flooding

problems elsewhere.


Question - 

With the autumn months approaching, can planning committee confirm that these

issues will be attended to as a matter of urgency, assessed and remedied before the

heavy rainfall months of November to March are upon us?




Unfortunately due to the Lead Officer for this application being absent, it has not been possible for a draft response to be prepared prior to this meeting. As a consequence Officers will give an undertaking to provide a written response within 3 three working days.


Supplementary Question - 

Drainage is an issue in Adur. Adur Drainage Officer is responsible for enforcement of ditches. Can you guarantee a similar calibre officer will be appointed?


Response - 


As for the previous question.


Barbara O’Kelly, on behalf of Adur Residents Environmental Action (AREA) asked -


A new study, published in the European Respiratory Journal, has identified a link

between lung health in under 10’s and the proximity of parkland to their home, even

when poor air quality is taken into account. Another study by the Barcelona Institute

for Global Health, found that living close to greenery had a positive impact on the

behaviour and health of children.

The NPPF states that developments should promote healthy lifestyles with open


JAAP ref. SH8 states that development proposals will be required to provide HIGH

QUALITY public open spaces and green infrastructure on site. I emphasise ON


The JAAP developments have, so far, not included HIGH QUALITY open spaces or

quality play areas. Developers get around that by stating they will make S106

contributions to enhance green spaces and play parks some distance from the

development, meaning children will have to cross the polluted, busy A259 to reach

these areas. The walk beside this road is noisy and filthy, with pavements covered

in dust and dirt.

Will the Council and planning committee research purchasing some land along the

A259 to create a quality park especially suitable for children.



Will you seriously consider using your power to insist that:

1. Current developments revise their plans to include quality play areas and green


2. Any future developments follow medical evidence, the NPPF and requirements

in the JAAP plan and include high quality public open space and play areas in their



It is up to you, as the Local Planning authority to enforce and implement these





1) Policy CA7: Western Harbour Arm of the JAAP document states:

Where open space requirements cannot be met on site, development will be expected to contribute towards the creation of the proposed green corridor along the A259, and/or existing open spaces, such as The Ham and Kingston Beach. 


In accordance with S38(6) Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 any determination has to be made in accordance with the Local Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.  


A range of open space provision has been secured from the developments within the Western Harbour Arm as follows:


AWDM/1497/17 Free Wharf - include a range of green infrastructure including planting beds, throughout the site, with public access

AWDM/0204/20 Kingston Wharf includes four areas of communal gardens and play space


Developments within the Western Harbour Arm will also bring forward a range of public realm improvements, including the riverside walkway.


(Please note that the Adur Civic Centre does not lie within the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Area or Western Harbour Arm allocation - see map page 118 of the Joint Area Action Plan:,156282,smxx.pdf)


The planning authority is not able to require changes to existing planning permissions.


2) A review of the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Area Western Harbour Arm will form part of the wider Adur Local Plan review. This will provide an opportunity to look at the provision of open space at the Western Harbour Arm, as well as the Local Plan policy for open space provision, to inform developments coming forward.


Supplementary question - 


I have read guidance from the Royal Town Planning Institute, Fields in Trust and the Children's Commission for England.

The Children's Commission for England recommends that planning guidance should specifically include children's need for safe open spaces and play opportunities. We have a childhood obesity crisis and expecting children to live in a development area with inadequate safe space to exercise and interact is wrong.

Has Adur Council incorporated this recommendation specifically relating to open space and play areas for children into their planning guidance to make clear to developers what they expect and that you will not be fobbed off by accepting S106 monies to improve play areas far removed from the development? If you have not, will you do so?


Response - 


The Adur Local Plan does already contain Policy 32 on open space, recreation and leisure, which sets out a broad policy approach to open space including play areas and also sets out standards which are used to require open space in development. We see this as very important but it is not always possible for us to achieve open space on site and where relevant we can ensure that monies are taken to spend on open spaces and play areas in the vicinity of that development. There is also a review of the Adur Local plan in progress.


The Officer also gave an undertaking to provide a fuller written response within 3 three working days.