Agenda item

Interview with the Executive Members for Health and Wellbeing

To consider a report by the Director for Digital, Sustainability and Resources, copy attached as item 8


Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Communities, a copy of which had been sent to all members, a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as item 8. The report sets out background information on the Portfolios of the Adur and Worthing Executive Members for Health and Wellbeing to enable the

Committee to consider and question the Executive Members on issues within their portfolios and any other issues which the Executive Members are involved in connected with the work of the Councils and the Adur and worthing communities.


The Executive Members for Health and Wellbeing were present to answer questions


A Member asked the following question: Q1. What has it been like for you being Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing during the pandemic? The Executive Member explained that it had been an eye opening experience and was humbled by the response by staff to challenges posed by the pandemic.


A Member asked the following question: Over your last year in the role what would you consider the key strengths and weaknesses of our Councils’ health and wellbeing work? The Executive Member told the committee that there had been a strong community response to the pandemic and staff had worked well to engage and support this. More work needed to be done with regards to Social Inequality.


A Member asked the following question: What progress has been made implementing a “Chat Bench” scheme for Worthing to tackle Social Isolation? Members were told that the Councils continued to be supportive of the idea of friendly benches but wanted to make sure that they are placed where they have broad community support plus the community networks needed to support the befriending aspect of the bench. 


A Member asked the following question: Our current public health strategy (Start Well, Live Well, Age Well) expires this year. The current plan articulates 5 strong priority areas, including good mental wellbeing and emotional resilience (at all life stages). Can the member give us an early outline of the priorities of the next strategy and how tackling health inequalities and post-covid recovery may feature in this? Members were told that the focus would be on good housing, good work and good health and wellbeing. Prevention and early intervention was also important.


A Member asked the following question: With the consultation out on WSCC family centres and that consultation making it clear the centres of lancing, Fishersgate, Sompting and Worthings Wave are to close, how do you see this impacting your designated issues of children and young people and family intervention (when so many family liaison  meetings take place in these centres). Members were told that there were a number of buildings that those services and meetings could be delivered from


A Member asked the following question: What are your 3 priorities in your role? Members were told that these were opening up communities safely following the pandemic, reviewing the outcome of the pandemic on women and minorities. The Executive Member told the Committee that he would focus on prevention and early intervention.


A Member asked a question about staff wellbeing following the pandemic and was told that the matter was being discussed with the Director for Communities.




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