Agenda item

Executive Members for Resources Interview

To consider a report by the Director for Communities, copy attached as item 7


The Committee had before it a report attached as item 7,  a copy of which had been circulated to all Members, a copy of which is attached to a signed copy of these minutes.The report before members set out background information on the Portfolios of the Adur and  Worthing Executive Members for Resources to enable the Committee to consider and question the Executive Members on issues within their portfolios  and any other issues which the Executive Members are involved in connected with the work of the Councils and the Adur and Worthing communities.


The Worthing Executive Member for Resources introduced the work of the portfolio and welcomed any questions that members might have


A Member asked the following question: There was an unprecedented, urgent reorganisation of staff during the first lockdown - what has the impact of this been on staff well-being? Members were told of the resilience and flexibility of staff during the lockdown crises in light of the rapid way in which staff were expected to change the way that they worked. Some staff had been asked to redeploy and had learned a lot from the experience and their wellbeing had been positively affected. The Executive Member explained to the Committee processes for 1:1s, surveys and the employee assistance programme


A Member asked the following question: Teams responsible for housing and for community safety have seen a massive increase in demand for their services, is sufficient support being put in place for these teams in particular? The Executive Member told the Committee that the Councils’ were keeping under review the impact of demand on our services, particularly during our Covid response. In relation to work with the Safer Communities Partnership, this was being reviewed and refreshed in the new year and the ASB policy would also be reviewed in 2021.  Through all of this demand and capacity would be considered.


A Member asked the following question: Given the new £95,000 exit cap agreed at Joint Staff Committee, how many employees on lower incomes are expected to be impacted by this given the regulations on pensions, particularly for those who have long service, as they stand at the moment? Members were told that the £95,000 cap on exit package was now a statutory requirement which would include the total of any exit payment, pension strain costs and pay in lieu of notice. The briefing at Joint Staff Committee informed the members of the Committee of this new requirement and the potential associated changes to the Pension Regulations which are expected early in the new year. The new cap was not of relevance to staff over 55. It was impossible to forecast how many staff would be impacted by the change as it depended on age, pay and length of service. Of the 5 staff made redundant in the previous year none had been affected by the cap.


A Member asked the Committee to consider a recommendation to the Executive Member and Joint Strategic Committee to remove the Council Tax minimum £5 per week charge to be paid for by the removal of the landlords discount on empty properties (this matter was due to be considered by the Joint Strategic Committee at its december meeting. The recommendation was seconded and on a vote was not carried.


The Adur Executive Member for Resources introduced the work of their portfolio and asked for any questions


A Member asked the following question: I have heard anecdotally that recent vacant units in Southwick Square were offered at higher rents than other businesses in the Square.  During these incredibly difficult times for all businesses, and in particular small businesses, can the Executive Member assure me that as landlords we are doing all we can as a Council to support our local businesses and that we are realistic with rent levels for tenants? Member were told that there were no vacant units in Southwick Square although there had been some assignments but these had been agreed in line with other premises in the parade


A Member asked the following question: In terms of your role with data protection can you please give a definitive answer as to what the Council is able to view on my business mobile with the device policy for the Google apps we all use as Councillors? Members were told that when a work profile was added to a personal device, some details about your device are visible to the Digital Service, however Apps and data in the personal profile were not visible and could not be accessed. 


A Member asked the following question:  Procurement - page 82 Para 4.7 of Platform for Places talks of effective procurement and contract management but doesn't mention local. What work goes on to ensure that we employ both local companies and small companies. Particularly important to avoid unnecessary carbon and boost local economy in light of Covid? Members were told that the Councils were bound by public procurement legislation which meant that it could not unreasonably restrict access to the councils business based upon location. However the Councils had a policy of promoting access to tendering opportunities for local companies.


A Member asked the following question: Personnel and staffing - what work goes on re: surveying staff on their contentment, skills identification and happiness in the role? Members were told about undertaken and planned surveys, schemes for 1-2-1s with managers and employee assistance programmes


A Member asked the following question:  Has any analysis of funding gaps due to EU component Coast to Capital grants been carried out? Members were told that there were not currently any EU funded projects, however the councils were still investigated potential funding prior to 2021.


A Member asked the following question: During the unprecedented times that Adur and Worthing have had to cope with during Covid 19, the first and now the second Lockdown, do you think that  Digital Transformation has aided the Covid Response and do you agree that this has been beneficial, and are you able to give some examples? Members were told about the flexibility of systems that allowed staff to work from home, the use of systems that enabled decision making to continue remotely. The low code platform had allowed the council to build systems that allowed those that needed support during the lockdown to connect with suitable volunteers.


Resolved: that the interview be noted

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