Report by the Director of Digital and Resources, copy attached as item 9
Before the Committee was a report by the Director for the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 9.
The Joint Strategic Committee was asked to recommend the purchase of 70 acres of farmland known as New Salts Farm, Lancing.
The Committee was asked to agree
Members welcomed the proposals, however, clarification was sought regarding the valuation of the land, the number of bidders and how the Council would ensure that the land was used as a nature reserve. Officers advised that the land use would be established within the Adur Local Plan. It was noted that the land value was based on the agricultural value of the land and was calculated by rental yield being paid over a number of years, arriving at a capital value. A small premium was also included, as the Council was a special purchaser as it had a special interest in buying the land as a wider landowner with a specific purpose for buying the land. It was also noted that there had been 4 other bidders for the land.
Members confirmed that the land would not be made into a formal park, but rather ecological space and there would be no building on the land either.
The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Neil Parkin, seconded by Councillor Emma Evans and unanimously approved, as amended.
That the Joint Strategic Committee
i. recommended to Adur District Council the purchase of land at New Salts Farm, Lancing;
Call In:
There is no call-in for recommendations to meetings of Adur and Worthing Councils, decisions (i) and (ii).
The call-in deadline for decisions (iii), (iv) and (v) will be 5.00pm on 18 September 2020.
Supporting documents: