Venue: QEII Room Shoreham Centre
Contact: Katy McMullan
Democratic Services Officer
01903 221006
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interests / Substitute Members Members and officers must declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to any business on the agenda. Declarations should also be made at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting.
If in doubt contact the Legal or Democratic Services representative for this meeting. Minutes: There were no substitute Members present.
There were no declarations of interest. |
Public Question Time So as to provide the best opportunity for the Committee to provide the public with the fullest answer, questions from the public should be submitted by midday on Tuesday 5 March 2024.
Where relevant notice of a question has not been given, the person presiding may either choose to give a response at the meeting or respond by undertaking to provide a written response within three working days. Questions should be submitted to Democratic Services -
(Note: Public Question Time will last for a maximum of 30 minutes) Minutes: There were no questions from the public. |
Members Questions Pre-submitted Members questions are pursuant to rule 12 of the Council & Committee Procedure Rules.
Questions should be submitted by midday on Tuesday 5 March 2024 to Democratic Services,
(Note: Member Question Time will operate for a maximum of 30 minutes.) Minutes: There were no questions from Members. |
Minutes To approve the minutes of the Licensing Committee meeting held on 11 September 2023 and the Licensing Sub Committee meetings held on 13 November and 5 December 2023, which have been emailed to Members. Minutes: Resolved: that the minutes of the committee meeting of the 13 November 2023 and the sub committees on the 13 November and 5 December 2023 be approved as the correct records. |
Items Raised Under Urgency Provisions To consider any items the Chairman of the meeting considers to be urgent. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Adur Fees and Charges Consultation Committee Report To consider a report by the Director for Sustainability & Resources, attached as item 6. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Officer presented the report explaining that no representations had been received. He clarified for Members that although Taxi Licensing is ideally a cost neutral element of the Council Services. The figures for 2022/23 show a deficit. The Officer explained that this was partly due to a change that was made to the way drivers were licensed due to Covid, i.e. 1 year licence instead of the regular 3 year duration.
The Committee Members proposed acceptance of the Officers recommendations. This was seconded and voted in favour of unanimously
Resolved: The Committee agreed to note that no responses were received following the Council placing a notice in a local newspaper setting out the changes to the vehicle and operator fees and inviting representations on those changes within 28 days. The Licensing Committee recommended to Council that it formally ratifies the fees and that they shall come into effect on 1 April 2024. |