10 Update on the Worthing Integrated Care Centre Project PDF 687 KB
To consider a report by the Director for Place, copy attached as item 11
Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Place, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 11.
The report before Members updated the members of the SubCommittee on the construction of the Worthing Integrated Care Centre (WICC) and Multi Storey Car Park (MSCP) at Stoke Abbott Road, Worthing. The report set out the key considerations that have affected the construction programme and costs.
The Council agreed a budget for the project at the Joint Strategic Committee in March 2021. Since then the construction industry had experienced extreme cost inflation which had affected the delivery of the project. This report sought approval to increase the overall project budget to account for the effects of this inflation, and as a result of a number of constructions risks materialising.
The report set out an opportunity arising from the project to purchase properties at Heene Road and Shelley Road from Worthing Medical Group subject to the preparation of an appropriate outline business. An accompanying report set out the business case for the use of these properties for the provision of temporary and emergency accommodation. There was a need to approve funding from the Worthing Community Infrastructure Levy towards the fit out costs of the Worthing Integrated Care Centre (WICC) for Worthing Medical Group.
A Question was asked about recuperation of money from a party responsible for a part of the overspend. Given the exempt nature of the question it was agreed that the answer be provided after the meeting via email.
Members discussed the matter and it was noted that NHS Staff were looking forward to moving into the new modern premises
The Worthing Sub Committee of the Joint Strategic Committee
1) Noted the updates on the construction programme, costs implications and timescales for delivery of the WICC and MSCP on the former Worthing Town Hall Car Park.
2) Approved a budget virement of £5.63m from the Strategic Property Investment Fund to complete the construction of the WICC and MSCP.
3) Approved release of £1.8m from the Strategic Property Investment Fund to fund the purchase of 23 Shelley Road, Worthing, BN11 4BS and 145 Heene Road, Worthing, BN11 4NY.
4) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Regenerative Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Leader of Worthing Borough Council and Chief Financial Officer to proceed with the purchases of 23 Shelley Road, Worthing, BN11 4BS and 145 Heene Road, Worthing, BN11 4NY. Note that a separate report on the development of Heene Road and Shelley Road will be presented to the Committee detailing the options for the properties.
5) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Regenerative Development to:
a) Appoint Savills Property Management services to oversee the facility management of the WICC and note costs of £170,000 to undertake the commissioning of the facility management for the WICC.
b) To procure for and make any further consultancy appointments ... view the full minutes text for item 10