Issue - meetings

Leisure provision during the pandemic and changes in funding and service delivery for SDL and ACL

Meeting: 07/07/2020 - Joint Strategic Committee (Item 23)

23 Leisure provision in Adur pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To consider a report from the Director for the Economy, a copy is attached as item 13.

Additional documents:


Before the Committee was a report by the Director for the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 13.


The Committee was informed that following a dialogue with Sport England, a proposal had been received on the 6th July from Adur Community Leisure, setting out an alternative way forward for the leisure facilities in Adur. Officers would now evaluate the proposal giving it full and proper consideration applying due diligence. Therefore, the Committee was advised that it would be inappropriate to discuss the item at this time and that Members would need to find an appropriate route forward to make an informed decision about the proposition. 


It was proposed by the Leader of Adur District Council that ‘owing to the urgent nature of the decision and the new proposal put forward by ACL, that the Joint Strategic Committee delegate authority to the Leader of Adur District Council, in consultation with the Executive Member for the Environment, for a decision on this item, following a full report and update from Officers outlining the options’.


The proposal was seconded by Cllr David Simmons and unanimously agreed.




That owing to the urgent nature of the decision and the new proposal put forward by ACL, the Joint Strategic Committee delegated authority to the Leader of Adur District Council, in consultation with the Executive Member for the Environment, for a decision on this matter, following a full report and update from Officers outlining the options.


Call In:


The call-in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 17 July 2020.