Issue details

A/LDR/011/22-23 Fire Door Replacement Contract

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Letting/Re-Letting of Contracts of value >£100,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/04/2023

Representations made

Responses received considered

Response to representations

Response to consultations considered

Decision due: Not before 24th May 2023 by Adur Leader

Lead member: Adur Cabinet Member for Housing and Citizen Services

Lead director: Director for Housing & Communities

Contact: Tina Favier, Director for Housing & Communities Email:

Consultation process

This report was circulated to Councillors, and published on the Council’s website on 16 May 2023.  The following consultation responses were noted by the decision maker:  Responses received considered


Responses considered

