Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Letting/Re-Letting of Contracts of value >£100,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/11/2021
Reason for urgency:
The Heat Network Investment Project funding awarded to the council has a number of conditions attached. These conditions pertained to Commercialisation funding (of which the council is now in receipt) and Construction funding used to support the capital cost of delivering the heat network. One of the conditions attached to Construction funding is that the council must have advertised, or be close to advertising, the procurement opportunity by March 2022 - this is the focus of Commercialisation funding. This procurement will necessarily be complicated, as the council is at the forefront of developing an output-based concessionaire approach to deliver Worthing Heat Network. The significant Commercialisation funding and non-financial support from BEIS that the council continues to receive is vital in meeting this deadline; however the project cannot allow for any additional delay in starting work to compile the suite of procurement documents ahead of the March 2022 deadline.
Decision due: Not before 24th Nov 2021 by Director for Sustainability & Resources
Lead director: Paul Brewer
Contact: Dan Goodchild, Carbon Reduction Manager Email:
Consultation process
Legal and Procurement colleagues have been advising the client department (Sustainability) since the beginning of the project. Joint Strategic Committee has been kept abreast of progress at regular updates (most recently in March and October 2021). A further update to JSC is planned for Spring 2022, prior to the advertisement of the procurement opportunity.