Worthing Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Regeneration
What does this
Cabinet Member do?
Responsibility for the following delegated
In the absence of the Leader, the
Deputy Leader has overall responsibility for the portfolio of the
Visitor economy and concessions
Crematorium and Bereavement
Beach Maintenance, including beach
huts and chalets
Building Control
Economic strategy and development,
including regeneration, business liaison and partnerships, events
and/or projects to encourage or are likely to generate viable,
sustainable economic gain
Foreshore management and
regeneration (capital spend) including Worthing Pier and Lido
Health and safety and civil
contingencies (Emergency Plan), including business continuity
Minor amendments to planning policy,
Local Plan documents, conservation areas and management plans,
development briefs, infrastructure delivery plans
On and off-street car parking
Street-scene, including abandoned
vehicles, bus shelters, enforcement, street
names and numbering, road name
plates, street furniture