Executive post

Worthing Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure

Logo for Worthing Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure


What does this Cabinet Member do?


Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure


Responsibility for the following delegated functions:-


·         Big Listening

·         15 minute neighbourhoods and place-based working

·         Children and young people, including mental wellbeing and family intervention project

·         Developing community participatory decision-making structures.

·         Community development, including cohesion and planning

·         Community hubs

·         Public Consultation, including Community Engagement and Citizens Panels

·         Young persons’ audit and consultation

·         Partnership working with voluntary and community organisations (including

·         Local Strategic Partnership; grants and commissioning)

·         Cross-cutting health issues and NHS liaison

·         Client for South Downs Leisure Trust and management of Worthing Leisure facilities and sites

·         Cultural projects and public entertainments (not covered by the

·         licensing functions, with a potential attendance of 500) to enhance the Borough’s cultural offer to residents and visitors

·         Wellbeing and development functions for culture, leisure and sport, including the cultural strategy

·         Worthing Cultural Assets; Museum, Art Gallery, Ritz Cinema, Assembly Hall, Pavilion

·         Theatre and Connaught Theatre. (NB: Worthing Pier is with the Regeneration Portfolio)


Individual and Joint Executive Decisions can be found from the following link: Individual Member Executive Decisions


Post is held by