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Register of interests
Register of interests
Councillor Carson Albury
This register of interests was published on Wednesday, 15th May, 2024, 12.27 pm.
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Declaration of Pecuniary Interest form for
1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Include here any employment of business, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain. The fact that a trade or vocation may not currently be in profit does not exclude it from being carried on for the purpose of profit or gain. Employment which is either part time or full time should be included. I or my spouse/partner have the following employment, office, trade, profession or vocation, which I / they carry on for profit or gain
2. Sponsorship
Any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the Council) made or provided within the period of 12 months ending with the day on which notice is given, in respect of any expenses incurred by you in carrying out your duties as a Member, or towards your election expenses. This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.
I or my spouse/partner have received the following payments/financial benefit within the last 12 months in respect of any expenses incurred by me in carrying out my duties as a Member or towards my election expenses:
Conservative Party paid for campaign materials and leaflets etc.
3. Contracts
Any contract made between you (or a body in which you have a beneficial interest) or your spouse/partner and Adur or Worthing Councils.
4. Land
Any land in the District of Adur or the Borough of Worthing in which I or my spouse/partner have a beneficial interest. This is likely to include your home and any property owned or leased by yourself or your partner/spouse.I or my spouse/partner have the following property interests in the District of Adur or Borough of Worthing:-
Mill cottage 8 Mill Road North Lancing West Sussex. BN15 OPT
5. Licences
Any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land in the area of the District of Adur or Borough of Worthing for a month or longer. This may include, for example, a grazing licence held by yourself or your spouse/partner, or a Beach Hut licence held by yourself or your spouse/partner. I or my spouse/partner hold the following licences to occupy land in the District of Adur or the Borough of Worthing for a month or longer:
6. Corporate Tenancies
Any tenancy where (to my knowledge): I or my spouse/partner have the following tenancy with Adur District Council or Worthing Borough Council:
7. Securities
Any beneficial interest in securities of a body where: I or my spouse/partner have the following beneficial interest in securities of the following body:
8. Personal Interests
Any body of which you are a Member or are in a position of general control or management, and to which you are appointed or nominated by the Council
(Declaration to include my interests and those of relevant persons to include my Family Members & Close Associates)
Member of the Conservative Party
9. Personal Interests
Any body of which you are a Member or are in a position of general control of management, which exercises functions of a public nature, or is directed to charitable purposes, or whose principle purpose is the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union).
To include my interests and those of relevant persons (to include my Family Members & Close Associates)
10. Any unpaid directorships
(Proffesional associations or private clubs)
(Declaration to include my interests and those of relevant persons to include my Family Members & Close Associates)
11. Any body of which you are Member or are in a position of general control or management and to which you are nominted or appointed by the Council
(Declaration to include my interests and those of relevant persons to include my Family Members & Close Associates)
12. Any body of which you are in a position of general control or management which
i) exercises functions of a public nature, ii) is directed towards charitable purposes, or iii) one of whose purpose includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union) od which you are a member or in a position of general control or management
(Declaration to include my interests and those of relevant persons to include my Family Members & Close Associates)
13. Voluntary Disclosure
This section enables you to disclose interests, which are not required to be disclosed under the statutory scheme or the Code of Conduct but which you feel would promote transparency and openness in decision making and the democratic process.
To include my interests and those of relevant persons (to include my Family Members & Close Associates)
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