Issue - decisions

Acceptance of Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme Funding

19/03/2024 - Successful Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme Phase 3c Bid

Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Place, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 12.


In 2023, Worthing Borough Council secured up to £2.47m of Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme Phase 3b Funding to connect Civic Quarter buildings to the Worthing Heat Network.


The council had secured an additional £5.6m of funding to connect buildings outside the town centre and extend the network to Splashpoint and Pavilion Theatre. 


The funding bid had reduced the overall match funding requirement from WBC and it was proposed to allocate £250k of this reduction towards undertaking preemptive maintenance and repair work at the heat network's proposed energy centre location, High Street Multi Storey Car Park. This work will reduce the complexity and cost of the ongoing maintenance liability for the site.





1.     That it be recommended to Council to approve an increase to the General Fund capital programme budget of £2,980,230 to be funded by additional PSDS and HNDU grant funding.


2.     That the use of the of £175,000 HNDU to support the procurement and contract work associated with the project as outlined at 4.1 be approved


3.     That a budget virement of £250,000 from PSDS budget to Car Park to enable resurfacing works to the High Street be approved





The call-in deadline for the decisions will be 5.00pm on 26 March 2024.


Recommendation 1 cannot be called in as it is a recommendation to Council.