Issue - decisions

JAW/015/23-24 BEACH bid

23/11/2023 - JAW/015/23-24 BEACH bid

Worthing Cabinet Member for Regeneration:


I approve the virement of grant funding in the sum of £202,296 made available by DSIT (Department for Science, Innovation and Technology) administered through its ONE (Open Network Ecosystem) competition to be used for implementing the BEACH (Beach Energy efficient Access Clusters for High demand) project and amend the budget accordingly, and for that budget to facilitate accurate reporting for the receipt and utilisation of funds.


And to delegate authority to the Director for Sustainability & Resources to enter a collaboration agreement with West Sussex County Council and Worthing Borough Council for the delivery of the project and any other contract required to deliver the project within the agreed budget envelope.


Adur Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Strategic Planning: I am happy to abstain from this decision as it is essentially a Worthing matter.