Issue - decisions

Worthing Civic Quarter Heat Network feasibility stage 2

27/08/2020 - JAW/008/20-21 Worthing Civic Quarter Heat Network feasibility stage 2

The ADC Executive Member for Environment has agreed to abstain from this decision as a Worthing matter.


The WBC Leader has:-


·         noted the application for £120,000 funding from the Government Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)’s Heat Network Development Unit to Worthing Borough Council;

·         approved entering into the funding agreement, with Heat Network Delivery Unit (if successful);

·         approved a budget virement of £120,000 funding to the Council’s revenue budget (if successful);

·         approved that Officers procure and commission West Sussex Estates Partnership Ltd under the NHS LIFT Framework to provide consultancy advice and sub-contract to specialists to carry out the stakeholder engagement to develop Phase 2 of the feasibility work to progress a heat network project (if funding bid is successful); and

·         noted that an update report will be presented once the feasibility study has concluded, and where a viable and practical heat network opportunity has been identified.