Before the Committee was a report by the Director for the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 14.
The report updated Members on the Portland Road scheme and sought authority for Worthing Borough Council (WBC) to act as the lead authority for West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and the delivery body for Coast to Capital LEP (C2C) on the terms set out.
The rationale for WBC delivering the project and the parallel approach being undertaken by WSCC in order for the monies to be used by WBC for the purposes of Portland Road were outlined.
The Committee noted that WSCC would continue to design and deliver the public realm works at Railway Approach (Teville Gate) in consultation with WBC.
In addition, the report confirmed that WBC had been offered external funding through Local Growth Funding (LGF) of £697,000 from the Coast to Capital LEP (C2C) to support the costs of the Portland Road scheme.
The Committee acknowledged the work undertaken by Worthing Members of West Sussex County Council.
The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor Kevin Jenkins, seconded by Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes and unanimously agreed by the Committee.
The Joint Strategic Committee
i. agreed to WBC taking on the project management and delivery responsibility of Portland Road Public Realm work, supported by WSCC (both financially and by it’s officer time);
ii. delegated authority to the Director for the Economy to approve a direct award under the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) framework to award a contract to Project Centre Consultants, to act as the project manager for WBC to deliver the public realm works at Portland Road on behalf of the Growth Board;
iii. delegated authority to the Director for the Economy, in consultation with the Executive Member for Regeneration and WSCC, to approve and award a contract for the construction work required to deliver the public realm project subject to the development of a procurement strategy and the outcome of a compliant procurement process;
iv. delegated authority to the Director for the Economy to enter into the C2C Funding Agreement; and
v. approved the creation of a budget of £3.697m (to include the WSCC funding and the C2C funding) within the capital programme fully funded by external grants and contributions.
Call In:
The call-in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 19 June 2020.