Issue - decisions

Use of funding from the Governments Heat Network Delivery Unit (HNDU) to undertake further feasibility into the viability of developing a District Heat Network to serve new and existing residential development at and adjacent to Shoreham Harbour.

31/07/2020 - JAW/003/20-21 Use of funding from the Governments Heat Network Delivery Unit (HNDU) to undertake further feasibility into the viability of developing a District Heat Network to serve new and existing residential development at and adjacent to Shoreha

The WBC Executive Member for Regeneration has agreed to abstain from this decision as an Adur matter.


The ADC Executive Member for Environment has approved the creation of a revenue budget of £220,000 funded by a combination of external funding and council resources; and delegated authority to the Director for Digital and Resources to award the contract(s) to the preferred bidder(s) for the provision of technical, financial and legal services to develop the business case for the Shoreham Heat Network.