Issue - decisions

Decoy Farm

12/06/2020 - Unlocking Development at Decoy Farm

Before the Committee was a report by the Director for the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 15. 


The report updated Members on the progress made towards the remediation of the former landfill site. The remediation (and decontamination) of Decoy Farm would ensure that the money funded by the Local Enterprise Partnership was spent by the March 2020 deadline.


The Committee was informed of the timetable for remediation works commencing on site including the procurement of a specialist remediation contractor.


The report also sought delegation of authority for the Director for the Economy to award the required remediation contract to enable the works to be carried out subject to a compliant procurement process.


It was noted that a further report would be brought to the Committee, in due course, outlining a strategy with future ambitions for the site.       


The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor Daniel Humphreys, seconded by Councillor Kevin Jenkins and unanimously agreed by the Committee.




The Joint Strategic Committee authorised the Director for the Economy to undertake the procurement for the remediation contractor and to award that contract and any recommended contracts arising from the works as necessary to support and enable the remediation works at Decoy Farm, the costs for which, shall be met from the budgets set out in the report.


Call In: 


The call-in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 19 June 2020.