Committee attendance

Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Carol Albury 2
Councillor Catherine Arnold 1
Councillor Ann Bridges 4
Councillor Joss Loader 5
Councillor Paul Mansfield 2
Councillor Andy McGregor 2
Councillor Debs Stainforth 5
Councillor Margaret Howard 5
Councillor Daniel Humphreys 4
Councillor Kevin Jenkins 1
Councillor Dr Heather Mercer 3
Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes 4
Councillor Mandy Buxton 3
Councillor Sharon Sluman 3
Councillor Joe Pannell 1
Councillor Cathy Glynn-Davies 3
Councillor Jon Roser 5
Councillor Tony Bellasis 5
Councillor Ibsha Choudhury 5
Councillor Dan Hermitage 5
Worthing Council Archived, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Roy Barraclough 2
Councillor Noel Atkins 4
Councillor Mike Barrett 2
Councillor Dr Beccy Cooper 3
Councillor Jim Deen 4
Councillor Lionel Harman 4
Councillor Margaret Howard 1
Councillor Daniel Humphreys 4
Councillor Charles James 3
Councillor Kevin Jenkins 4
Councillor Dr Heather Mercer 4
Councillor Nigel Morgan 4
Councillor Richard Mulholland 2
Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes 4
Councillor Hazel Thorpe 4
Councillor Steve Waight 4
Councillor Ferdousi Henna Chowdhury 4
Councillor Sally Smith 3
Councillor Dawn Smith 3
Councillor Helen Silman 3
Councillor Carl Walker 4
Councillor Martin McCabe 4
Councillor Richard Nowak 4
Councillor Cathy Glynn-Davies 4
Councillor Dan Coxhill 2
Councillor John Turley 4
Councillor Emma Taylor-Beal 4
Councillor Russ Cochran 4
Councillor Jon Roser 4
Councillor Rosey Whorlow 4
Councillor Vicki Wells 4
Councillor Ibsha Choudhury 4
Councillor Samuel Theodoridi 3
Councillor Dale Overton 3
Councillor Andy Whight 4
Councillor Dan Hermitage 3
Councillor Rita Garner 3
Worthing Licensing and Control Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Roy Barraclough 0
Councillor Mike Barrett 2
Councillor Lionel Harman 1
Councillor Kevin Jenkins 0
Councillor Richard Mulholland 1
Councillor Hazel Thorpe 2
Councillor Sally Smith 2
Councillor Dawn Smith 1
Councillor Richard Nowak 1
Councillor Cathy Glynn-Davies 0
Councillor Russ Cochran 2
Councillor Jon Roser 2
Councillor Rosey Whorlow 2
Councillor Samuel Theodoridi 1
Councillor Andy Whight 2
Worthing Licensing and Control Sub Committee A, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Kevin Jenkins 1
Councillor Hazel Thorpe 1
Councillor Sally Smith 2
Councillor Cathy Glynn-Davies 0
Councillor Jon Roser 1
Councillor Rosey Whorlow 1
Worthing Planning Committee, 6 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Noel Atkins 4
Councillor Jim Deen 6
Councillor Kevin Jenkins 3
Councillor Helen Silman 5
Councillor Richard Nowak 2
Councillor Dan Coxhill 3
Councillor John Turley 6
Councillor Emma Taylor-Beal 3
Councillor Russ Cochran 6
Councillor Rosey Whorlow 1
Councillor Samuel Theodoridi 3
Councillor Andy Whight 6