To consider a report by the Director for Sustainability & Resources, attached as item 7.
The Licensing Officer presented explaining to Members that the report before them had already been formally agreed by this committee. As a result of a public engagement requested by WBC licensing committee, it had been brought back to this committee so that Members had the opportunity to look at that engagement and see if they considered that the policy should be changed in any way.
Questions from Members
In response to Members questions the Officer confirmed that any enforcement required regarding these licences would be the responsibility of Adur District Council. He explained that on application the licensee would be required to supply information and pictures of the area they would be using. On inspection, if this was not adhered to, enforcement action would be taken. He also clarified that, if furniture was confiscated, the licensee would be responsible for the cost of its storage.
The Officer reiterated that pavement licences had always been charged by West Sussex County Council until four years ago, when they were waived to help businesses during Covid. Within the survey some businesses had stated that they had never paid for a licence in the past and the Officer advised that this may have been possible in some cases as West Sussex County Council may not have executed diligent enforcement.
During debate Members concurred that it may be favourable to publicise to the public that pavement licences had always been charged by West Sussex County Council and that this wasn’t a new initiative introduced by Adur District Council.
The Chair read the following recommendation - That the Committee consider whether any changes be made to the approved Pavement Licensing Policy following the engagement process.
The Committee resolved that no changes need to be made to the policy.
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