Agenda item

Planning Applications

To consider the reports by the Director for the Economy, attached as Item 5.




Application Number: AWDM/0954/18 


Land At 7 To 27 Albion Street, Southwick


Demolition of 11-27 Albion Street and redevelopment to provide a total of 55 affordable flats within two blocks of 4-6 storeys in height (plus undercroft car parking  to the rear and landscaping) and the refurbishment of 7-9 Albion Street (to provide 6 flats within the existing building), including dormers to east and west roofslopes. AMENDED PLANS received and REVISED DESCRIPTION - increase in total number of flats to 55 (4no. on the ground floor and 1no. on the fifth floor) and reduction in car parking from 50 to 31 spaces.


The Principal Planning Officer began his presentation by advising the Committee of an amendment to the description of the proposal whereby dormers to the east and west roof slopes would not now be included in the application.


The Officer confirmed the Committee had resolved to grant planning permission previously for a development involving both the Council and a private developer, with 30% affordable housing.  Subsequently, the developer had pulled out and the Council had agreed to take on the scheme in its entirety with 50 units as affordable housing.


The current application was to increase the provision to 55 units, 100% affordable, with a reduction in car parking from 51 to 31 spaces.


The Committee were shown a number of plans to accompany the application and the Officer drew comparisons with the originally approved scheme.


The Officer advised that to increase the number of units a reduction in parking spaces had been necessary which they felt could be justified as the scheme was 100% affordable, where there was generally a lower level of car ownership, highways had raised no objection and the proposed development was situated in a sustainable location.


The Officer’s recommendation was for approval.


Members raised a number of queries with Officers, which were answered in turn to the Members’ satisfaction, and in summary, included:-


  • the location of small strip of land not registered;
  • clarification of condition 6 - Construction Method Statement;
  • bin store and pick-up arrangements; and
  • amenity space for flats.

There were further representations from:-


Objector:         Steve Percy

Supporter:       Akin Akinyebo (Head of Housing)


The Head of Housing confirmed that all units would be taken from the Adur Housing List and felt it was an advantage that all families would be housed within the area, and within a sustainable location.


The Head of Planning and Development confirmed the County Council had been undertaking work in relation to revised car parking standards and a number of developments in sustainable locations would have much reduced parking requirements.


Members discussed the application and the majority supported the Officer’s recommendation to approve the application as it would make a good contribution to  meeting the Council’s affordable housing needs.




That the planning application be APPROVED, subject to completion of a s106 agreement; an amended description to state “Demolition of 11-27 Albion Street and redevelopment to provide a total of 55 affordable flats within two blocks of 4-6 storeys in height and the refurbishment of 7-9 Albion Street, with 31 parking spaces”; and the following conditions:-


  1. Approved Plans
  2. Standard 3 year time limit
  3. Noise protection, including MVHR and means to reduce overheating
  4. Sound testing between floors
  5. Working hours
  6. Construction Method Statement
  7. Contaminated land
  8. Fencing and walls
  9. Landscaping and tree protection
  10. Development should not commence until finalised detailed foul and surface water drainage designs and calculations for the site, based on sustainable drainage principles, for the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The drainage designs should demonstrate that the surface water runoff generated up to and including the 1 in 100 year, plus climate change, critical storm will not exceed the run-off from the current site following the corresponding rainfall event. 
  11. Development shall not commence until full details of the maintenance and management of the SUDs system is set out in a site-specific maintenance manual and submitted to, and approved in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved designs.
  12. The use hereby permitted shall not be carried on unless and until details of all operational phase air quality mitigation measures have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The mitigation shall be equal to a value of £15,889.20 as identified in the emissions mitigation assessment contained within Chapter 8 of the Air Quality Assessment dated August 2018 and provided as part of the application.
  13. The use hereby permitted shall not be carried on unless and until an air quality impact assessment of the proposed centralised energy facility has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  All boilers and/or CHP plant installed on site shall have a NOx emission rate of less than 40 mg/kWh of dry NOx (at 0% O2).
  14. Samples and schedule of materials. 
  15. Strip of land to be reserved as highway for provision of future cycleway
  16. Side living room window to House 9-02 to be obscure glazed and non-opening below 1.7m
  17. No part of the development shall be first occupied until the car parking has been constructed in accordance with the approved site plan.  These spaces shall thereafter be retained at all times for their designated purpose.
  18. Cycle parking
  19. Vehicular access
  20. No part of the development shall be first occupied until a Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The Travel Plan once approved shall thereafter be implemented as specified within the approved document.  The Travel Plan shall be completed in accordance with the latest guidance and good practice documentation as published by the Department for Transport or as advised by the Highway Authority.
  21. Water consumption
  22. Refuse storage
  23. All dwellings hereby approved shall be occupied at all times as affordable rented homes as defined by the NPPF.
  24. Archaeological written scheme of investigation



Application Number: AWDM/1924/19 


43 High Street, Shoreham by Sea


Demolition of existing single storey rear extension and construction of 3.5 storey rear extension to provide extended ground floor retail floorspace, plus 2no. studio flats at first floor level, one flat including rear balcony. Conversion of the second floor and roof space of existing building to provide a further 2no. one bedroom flats with dormer windows to rear, one flat including rear balcony at second floor level.  New shopfront to include separate access to proposed flats. Storage for flats to be included at ground floor level. Restoration of front elevation of existing building including new sash windows. (Revisions - revised balcony design and introduction of photovoltaic panels onto roof of rear link addition).


Councillor Catherine Arnold left the room when the application was considered. 


The Head of Planning and Development outlined the application and Members were shown a series of photographs and plans for their consideration.


The Officer confirmed it was a revised proposal following a refusal in October last year for the reasons outlined in pages 42 and 43 of the report.


The proposal was in a dense location with restaurant uses closeby and no car parking spaces but it was felt the new scheme addressed the reasons for the previous refusal.


The Officer recommended an additional condition be added in respect of cycle parking provision.


The Officer’s recommendation was for approval.


Members raised queries with the Officer which were answered in turn to the satisfaction.  


There were further representations from:-


Objector:         David Park

Supporter:       James Breckell


Members considered the proposal and during discussion Councillor Kevin Boram raised concerns that it was a constrained area and the only way to access the site would be via the A259, already a busy and congested thoroughfare.  He asked what type of Construction Management Plan could Officers envisage being in place to reduce the impact during the construction period.


The Officer said there were invariably construction issues in high density developments on constricted sites however, the preparation of any Construction Management Plan would be to work with the highway authority to find the best way to mitigate any impact.


Due to the Member’s concerns, and with the rest of the Committee’s agreement, details of condition 8, Construction Management Plan, once submitted, would come back to the Planning Committee for a decision.


Another Member queried the effectiveness of soakaways in the area and the Town Quay resident’s concerns with the ground conditions on the site.  It was therefore agreed to include an additional condition requiring details of surface and foul water drainage. 


The majority of Members agreed the Officer’s recommendation to approve the application.




That the planning application be APPROVED, subject to details of condition 8 (Construction Management Plan) to be considered by the Planning Committee once submitted; additional conditions to require cycle parking and details of surface and foul water drainage and the following conditions:-


1.            Approved Plans

2.            Standard 3 year time limit

3.            Samples of Materials

4.            Details of all new windows including new shopfront

5.            Compliance with air quality statement, acoustic statement and overheating assessment

6.            Details of all plant associated with ventilation/pv’s – siting, appearance, noise outputs

7.            Details of air source heat pump/s

8.            Construction management plan (to be considered by the Planning Committee once submitted).

9.            Details to protect public sewer

10.          Details of roof for bin enclosure

11.          Details of balconies and screens.

12.          Cycle parking.

13.       Details of surface and foul water drainage. 


The meeting was adjourned at 8.19pm, and reconvened at 8.25pm.





Application Number: AWDM/0032/20


Brighton And Hove Albion Training Ground, 60 Mash Barn Lane, Lancing


Application for Variation of Condition 1 (approved plans) to AWDM/0236/19 for amendments to fenestration of the Training Centre, reduced plant louvre screen on the roof of the Training Centre, addition of a stair enclosure to the roof of the Training Centre; reduced height of link between Training Centre and indoor pitch, various minor amendments to fenestration of the Club Hub, and increased height of the plant louvres to roof of Club Hub. Amendment to approved fencing details on eastern boundary and provision of additional landscaping.


Councillor Catherine Arnold returned to the meeting.


The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report advising the application was for non-material amendments but as it was a major site needed to be considered by the Committee.


The Officer advised the main change was to the club hub building in the north east corner of the site and indicated the change on plans.


All Members agreed to support the Officer’s recommendation to approve the application.




That the planning application be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:- 


1.            Approved Plans

2.            Standard 3 year time limit

3.            Materials as per agreed details

4.            Foul sewerage facility to be provided prior to first use of extended training centre or club hub in accordance with approved details

5.            Suds maintenance as per approved details

6.            All operations associated with the development hereby permitted shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the approved Archaeological Mitigation Strategy and Statement of Significance and with the approved Written Scheme of Investigation for Archaeological Excavation and Monitoring under Archaeological Supervision and Control, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the County Planning Authority.

7.            Fencing to be erected before new pitches are first brought into use

8.            Approved parking spaces to be provided prior to first use of club hub

9.            Construction access from A27 only. This access is not to be used once the facility is open.

10.          To be constructed in accordance with approved Construction Management Plan 

11.          The use of the football pitches hereby approved shall be limited to between the hours of 9am until 10pm every day 

12.          Landscaping to be provided in accordance with plans within first planting season following completion of the works

13.          Floodlighting shall be limited to Pitch Nos 4, 11 and 13 as shown on drawing no. 18827-KSS-ZZ-ZO-DR-A-9004 rev P1 received 14 February 2019 and the floodlights shall be switched off between the hours of 10.15pm and 9am every day and all other external lighting at the facility shall be switched off between 11pm and 7.30am, with the exception of security lighting. Floodlighting of the showpitch (Pitch 4) shall only be switched on during matches watched by spectators with tickets which shall be limited to a maximum of 25 times per season (1 July - 30 June) as specified in condition x.

14.          No public address or sound amplification system to be installed or used

15.          Hours of work for construction 8am to 6pm Mondays to Saturdays

16.          At no time shall the facility be used in connection with any park-and-ride scheme

17.          The training facility and club hub hereby approved shall not be open other than between the hours of 7.30am and 11pm every day

18.          The development hereby approved shall incorporate renewable energy technology in the form of air source heat pumps and PV panels in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before construction above slab level. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied unless and until a BREEAM Design State Certificate and a BRE-issued Post-Construction Review Certificate confirming that the development has achieved a BREEAM rating of 'Very Good' has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority.

19.          No part of the development hereby permitted shall be occupied until an updated Travel Plan has been approved in writing by the local planning authority and implemented. The Travel Plan shall demonstrate that either TRICS SAM surveys have been conducted (and if so what progress towards the target has been made) or that TRICS SAM surveys will now be commissioned. It shall also include arrangements for monitoring and effective enforcement with any necessary new measures or interventions implemented accordingly.

20.          All matches on the showpitch with over 100 spectators shall be ticket only and booked in advance with no sale of tickets on the day at the Training Ground. The number of ticketed spectators watching any match shall be limited to a maximum of 500. The number of matches watched by spectators with tickets shall be limited to a maximum of 25 per season (1 July - 30 June), with a minimum of 10 of these matches to be completed before 4pm on the day of the match, with the number of matches to be played in the first season or part thereof following completion of the construction of the stand to be worked out on a pro-rata basis and agreed in writing with the local planning authority prior to first use of the stand. Details of the number and dates of ticketed matches, the times they were played and the number of spectators that attended shall be made available to the local planning authority on request.

21.          The rear door panels on the camera tower hereby permitted shall be closed at all times other than when hoisting equipment to and from the tower

22.          Before the stand hereby approved is first used, details of the proposed arrangements for managing parking demand during ticketed matches shall be submitted and approved by the local planning authority in consultation with West Sussex County Council Highways and the agreed details shall be incorporated into the previously approved Travel Plan for the facility. Such details shall also include the proposed method for advising spectators and visitors to adhere to speed limits and to respect the amenity of neighbours when entering and leaving the facility.

23.          Pitch 13 as identified on drawing no. 18827-KSS-ZZ-ZO-DR-A-9004 rev P1 received 14 February 2019 shall be reserved for community use.

24.          Evidence of biodiversity gain to be submitted before construction above slab level and thereafter implemented

25.          The development hereby approved shall not be brought into use until an updated Community Use Agreement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA in consultation with Sport England

4 & 5


Application Number:  AWDM/1674/19


Manor Road Service Station, 96 Manor Road, Lancing


Variation of condition 11 of AWDM/1528/18 to increase opening hours to be 0600 - 2400 (midnight) 7 days a week.


Application Number:  AWDM/0121/20


Manor Road Service Station, 96 Manor Road, Lancing


Application for variation of condition no. 08 of previously approved AWDM/0663/19.  Amendment: Signage to be illuminated between the hours of 06.00am and 12.00 midnight every day.


The Head of Planning and Development presented both applications for Manor Road Service Service Station together as they were inter-linked.


The Officer stated the first application was to increase the working hours at the Service Station.  At present the working hours were 07:00 - 21:00 on Mondays to Saturdays, and 08:00 - 20:00 on Sundays, and the applicant was now applying for 06:00 - 00:00 (midnight) 7 days a week.


The Officer said the key issue was whether the extension to the hours of use would materially impact on the amenities of adjoining residents.  He advised  Environmental Health had considered the revised acoustic report and were  satisfied that the extension to the hours of use between 06:00 and 00:00 (midnight) would not have such an impact on amenity that could justify a refusal.


The Officer advised the second application related to the hours of illumination for the signs.  The key issues were its impact on the amenities of adjoining residents and the Conservation Area in terms of the additional hours of illumination.  It was felt that, given the amount of light in the surrounding area, there could also be no grounds to refuse the application.


On the first application, the Members expressed concern about the potential for late night noise and disturbance caused with increased activity to and from the site.  As a compromise the majority of Members agreed to alternative opening hours, i.e. 06:00-22:00 Monday to Saturday and 06:00-21:00 on Sundays.





That the planning application be APPROVED, with the amended working hours  06:00-22:00 Monday to Saturday and 06:00-21:00 on Sundays; for extended hours to relate to the sale of petrol and the sale of goods from the convenience store, plus the use of air and water only; and the following conditions:-


1.            Approved plans

2.            Standard time limit

3.            Working hours

4.            No open storage

5.            Ancillary first floor use

6.            HE surface water

7.            Car parking spaces


On the basis of the first decision, for application AWDM/0121/20, the majority of Members agreed to grant planning permission with the same  hours of illumination as AWDM/1674/19.   






That the planning application be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:


1.            No advertisement is to be displayed without the permission of the owner of the site or any other person with an interest in the site entitled to grant permission.


2.            No advertisement shall be sited or displayed so as to: 

(a)          endanger persons using any highway, railway, waterway, dock, harbour or aerodrome (civil or military); 

(b)          obscure, or hinder the ready interpretation of, any traffic sign, railway signal or aid to navigation by water or air; or

(c)          hinder the operation of any device used for the purpose of security or surveillance or for measuring the speed of any vehicle.


3.            Any advertisement displayed, and any site used for the display of advertisements, shall be maintained in a condition that does not impair the visual amenity of the site.


4.            Any structure or hoarding erected or used principally for the purpose of displaying advertisements shall be maintained in a condition that does not endanger the public.


5.            Where an advertisement is required under these Regulations to be removed, the site shall be left in a condition that does not endanger the public or impair visual amenity. 


6.            This consent shall expire at the end of the period of 5 years beginning with whichever is the earlier of (a) the date of commencement of the display or (b) 6 months from the date of this consent.


7.            Approved plans


8.            The illuminated signs hereby granted consent shall be turned off outside of the approved working hours, i.e. there shall be no illumination of the signs whatsoever except between the hours of: 06:00-22:00 Monday to Saturday and 06:00-21:00 on Sundays.


9.            The signs shall not display any moving, or apparently moving, images.

6 & 7


Application Number:  AWDM/0008/20


Block 1 To 20  Rock Close, Whiterock Place, Southwick


Adur Reg 3 application for replacement UPVC windows and doors to Blocks 1-20 and 21-40 with replacement balconies, fascia boards and soffits.


Application Number:  AWDM/0059/20


Locks Court, Grange Road, Southwick


Adur Reg 3 application for replacement UPVC windows/doors and balconies.


The Principal Planning Officer advised the final two applications were very similar proposals and therefore briefly outlined both for Members’ consideration.






That the planning application be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:-


1.            Approved Plans

2.            Standard 3 year time limit

3.            External materials as specified










That the planning application be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:- 


1.            Approved Plans

2.            Standard 3 year time limit

3.            External materials as specified

Supporting documents: