Agenda item

Planning Applications

To consider the reports by the Director for the Economy, attached as Item 5.




Application Number:  AWDM/1953/16


Grazing Land South West Of Flyover, Steyning Road



Outline planning permission for the erection of up to 52 no. dwellings (including the provision of 30% on-site affordable housing) internal roads and parking, informal open space and landscaping together with new vehicular access on the south-eastern side of the site onto Steyning Road (all matters reserved apart from the access). The application also includes details of the proposed realignment of the new Adur Tidal Wall flood defence scheme as an amendment to that approved under reference AWDM/1614/15 and is accompanied by an Addendum to the original Environmental Statement.


The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report and advised Members that,  since the agenda had been published, 5 additional letters of objection had been received, making the total 55; and that the Environment Agency had withdrawn their objection to the application, therefore reason number 4 could be removed from the final list of reasons. 


The Officer advised the application was considered at the Adur Planning Committee meeting back in 24 July 2017 when the decision was deferred to await the Adur Local Plan Inspector’s full report and for consideration of  outstanding information in relation to noise and air quality.  He advised the Local Plan had subsequently been adopted in December 2017.


The Officer summarised the application for Members’ consideration, which was  for outline planning permission, with all matters reserved apart from access.


The Officer referred to the proposed realigned flood defence bund which currently crosses the site.  


Since last reporting to Committee, the Officer advised there had been several updates and the Local Plan Inspector’s report had been published.  The Inspector agreed with the Council’s approach to not include the site within the built up area, not to allocate for housing and that the land should remain outside the settlement boundary within the countryside.   


The applicants had submitted a Heritage Statement following initial objections from Historic England (HE) however, HE remained concerned but had left it to the Council to weigh up the harm to any heritage assets with any public benefits which may arise with the development.

The Officer referred to other changes since last considered, which included the landscape impact, noise concerns, flood defence and air quality. 


In conclusion, taking all matters into consideration, Officers recommended refusal for the reasons stated in the report.  The recommendation was in two parts -  Part A for outline planning permission and B for the proposed realignment of the Adur Tidal Wall flood defence scheme. 


There was a further representation from:-


Objector:         Ms Ann Cox

Ward Councillor:         Cllr Kevin Boram

Supporter:       Mr Robert Thornton


Following discussion, all Committee Members agreed the Officer’s recommendation to refuse the application for the reasons stated in the report, with the deletion of reason number 4 relating to flood risk.




A.                    That Outline planning permission be REFUSED, for the erection of up to 52 no. dwellings (including the provision of 30% on-site affordable housing), internal roads and parking, informal open space and landscaping together with an enlarged vehicular access on the south-eastern side of the site onto Steyning Road (all matters reserved apart from the access) for the following reasons:-


  1. The site lies outside of the built up area boundary and is within the countryside where development will only be permitted where the need for a countryside location is essential. No overriding need for the provision of housing on this site has been successfully demonstrated. The proposal therefore represents an unsustainable form of development and conflicts with Policies 1, 2, 3 and 13 of the Adur Local Plan and the relevant paragraphs of the NPPF.


2.            The proposal would have a detrimental impact on the landscape character and appearance of the site and on the wider area, the gateway setting of Shoreham, its riverside setting and the setting of the Conservation Area and the Listed Buildings within it. The proposed development therefore conflicts with Policies 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 of the Adur Local Plan and the relevant paragraphs of the NPPF


3.            It has not been adequately demonstrated that the proposed development would not result in harm to future residents through unacceptable noise disturbance as a result of the site’s proximity to the A27 flyover or that any impacts could be successfully overcome. The proposal therefore conflicts with policies 15 and 34 of the Adur Local Plan and the relevant paragraphs of the NPPF.


4.            A Stage One Road Safety Audit and Designer's Response has not been submitted and it has not therefore been adequately demonstrated that the proposed vehicular access is safe. The proposal therefore conflicts with policies 15 and 28 of the Adur Local Plan and the relevant paragraphs of the National Planning Policy Framework.


B.        That the proposed realignment of the Adur Tidal Wall flood defence scheme as an amendment to that approved under reference AWDM/1614/15 be REFUSED, for the following reason: 


  1. The proposed realignment of the flood defences will result in a greater length of bund which will have a more significant visual impact to the detriment of the character and appearance of the site. The need to realign the flood defences in the manner proposed has not been adequately demonstrated and it would therefore be premature to approve such changes until the need has been proven. The proposal would therefore conflict with Policies 11 and 13 of the Adur Local Plan and the relevant paragraphs of the NPPF.




Application Number:  AWDM/1144/19


Wadurs, Kingston Broadway, Shoreham-by-Sea


Single-storey side extension to east elevation to provide additional changing rooms.


The Head of Planning and Development advised the planning application was before the Committee as the building was owned by the Council and there were no delegation powers in place to deal with Council owned property.


The application sought to renew an earlier permission, with minor internal changes.  The proposed materials being used would match the existing structure.


There were no objections to the proposal and the Officer’s recommendation was to approve. 


Members unanimously agreed the Officer’s recommendation.




That planning permission be GRANTED, subject to the following conditions:


01        Approved Plans

02        Full Permission 

03        The external walls and roof of the extension and alterations hereby permitted shall, prior to commencement of use of the extension, be completed to match those of the existing building.

Reason:   In the interests of visual amenity and to comply with policy 15 of the Adur Local Plan 2017

04        Construction of the development shall not commence until details of the proposed means of foul sewerage and surface water disposal have been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Southern Water.

Reason:   To ensure adequate drainage and to comply with policy 36 of the Adur Local Plan 2017


Supporting documents: