Agenda item

Planning Applications

To consider the reports by the Director for the Economy, attached as Item 5.




Application Number:  AWDM/0954/18


Land at 7 to 27 Albion Street, Southwick


Demolition of 11-27 Albion Street and redevelopment to provide a total of 50 affordable flats within two blocks of 4-6 storeys in height (plus undercroft car parking  to the rear and landscaping) and the refurbishment of 7-9 Albion Street (to provide 6 flats within the existing building), including dormers to east and west roof slopes.


The Head of Planning and Development introduced the report and reminded Members that the Committee had resolved to grant planning permission for the development back in November 2018, subject to a legal agreement.  At that time, the development was proposing both market housing and social rent apartments. 


The proposal had come back to Committee as a number of discussions had taken place between the Council and the developer, and Highways England regarding funding, to ascertain whether the scheme could be a 100% affordable scheme.


The Officer advised that West Sussex County Council had confirmed that provided the development was restricted to all affordable rented housing, there would be no requirement for development contributions other than a  transport contribution.


The Officer concluded his presentation by showing Members an artist’s impression of the scheme and a number of photographs to assist in their consideration of the proposal. 


There was a further representation from an objector, Mr Steve Percy and Akin Akinyebo, Head of Housing.


The Committee debated the application mentioning the boundary/tree alongside Mr Percy’s property.  The Officer referred Members to condition No 8 which would require details of fencing/wall to be submitted.    


Members voted unanimously in favour of the application.




That the application be APPROVED, subject to completion of a satisfactory section 106 Planning Obligation undertaking to pay the contribution of £77,980 to be spent on cycle route improvements on the A259 in accordance with the Shoreham Harbour Transport Strategy (2016-2031), and subject to the following conditions:-


1.         Approved Plans

2.         Standard 3 year time limit

3.         Noise protection

4.         Sound testing between floors

5.         Working hours

6.         Construction Method Statement

7.         Contaminated land

8.         Fencing and walls

9.         Landscaping and tree protection

10.       Occupation of the development is to be phased and implemented to align with the delivery by Southern Water of any sewerage network reinforcement required to ensure that adequate waste water network capacity is available to adequately drain the development

11.       Construction of the development shall not commence until details of the proposed means of surface water run off disposal in accordance with Part H3 of Building Regulations hierarchy as well as acceptable discharge points, rates and volumes have been agreed by the Lead Flood Authority in consultation with Southern Water

12.       Development should not commence until finalised detailed surface water drainage designs and calculations for the site, based on sustainable drainage principles, for the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The drainage designs should demonstrate that the surface water runoff generated up to and including the 1 in 100 year, plus climate change, critical storm will not exceed the run-off from the current site following the corresponding rainfall event. 

13.       Development shall not commence until full details of the maintenance and management of the SUDs system is set out in a site-specific maintenance manual and submitted to, and approved in writing, by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved designs.

14.       Information regarding the potential coastal species must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any works commencing. The reason for this condition would be to comply with policies SH6 clause 14, and SH7 clauses 5 and 6.

15.       The use hereby permitted shall not be carried on unless and until details of all operational phase air quality mitigation measures have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The mitigation shall be equal to a value of £15,889.20 as identified in the emissions mitigation assessment contained within Chapter 8 of the Air Quality Assessment dated August 2018 and provided as part of the application.

16.       The use hereby permitted shall not be carried on unless and until an air quality impact assessment of the proposed centralised energy facility has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  All boilers and/or CHP plant installed on site shall have a NOx emission rate of less than 40 mg/kWh of dry NOx (at 0% O2).

17.      Samples and schedule of materials.

18.      Strip of land to be reserved as highway for provision of future cycleway

19.       Side living room window to House 9-02 to be obscure glazed and non-opening below 1.7m

20.       No part of the development shall be first occupied until the car parking has been constructed in accordance with the approved site plan.  These spaces shall thereafter be retained at all times for their designated purpose.

21.       No part of the development shall be first occupied until a Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The Travel Plan once approved shall thereafter be implemented as specified within the approved document.  The Travel Plan shall be completed in accordance with the latest guidance and good practice documentation as published by the Department for Transport or as advised by the Highway Authority.


22.       All dwellings, hereby approved, shall be occupied at all times as affordable rented homes as defined by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).





Application Number:  AWDM/0720/19


29 Kings Walk, Shoreham-by-Sea


Demolition of detached bungalow and erection of 1no. three bedroom detached dwelling and 1no. four bedroom detached dwelling, set over three floors with South facing balconies at first floor level 


Consideration of this application was deferred at the previous Adur Planning Committee on 1 July 2019 to enable a site inspection to be carried out by Members.  The Chair advised all Committee Members had now visited the site. 


The Head of Planning and Development began his presentation by showing Members an aerial photograph of the site and the applicant’s artist’s impression of the proposal.  The Officer explained it was a revised proposal following an appeal in 2017 and referred to the Inspector’s decision.


Members were shown the key elements via a revised site plan and highlighted the relationship of the scheme with neighbouring properties.  The Officer advised there had been concern raised as to the accuracy of the setting out of the two proposed dwellings in relation to adjoining properties, in particular that it was claimed that  Plot 1 would be located  forward of no. 28 rather than level as indicated on the submitted plans..  The applicant’s architects were satisfied the setting out on the plot was correct, and the applicant’s planning consultant had advised they were happy to accept a condition to ensure that the setting out in relation to adjoining properties was as the submitted plan.  


The Officer concluded his presentation by showing Members a number of photographs and proposed plans to assist in their consideration of the proposal. 


The Officer’s recommendation was to refuse the application.


A couple of Members raised queries with the Officer, which were answered in turn.


There were further representations from:-


Objector:        Douglas Hill

Supporter:     Richard Huxtable


Members debated the proposal and on balance were supportive of the application.  The Committee felt the scheme would have minimal impact on the amenities of neighbouring residential occupiers or the character and appearance of the site.  However, it was on the proviso approval be delegated to the Head of Planning and Development, in consultation with the Chair to agree suitably worded planning conditions and ensure that the setting out of the new plots were in accordance with the approved plans.     




The Officer’s recommendation to refuse the application was overturned. 


The Committee Members resolved to APPROVE the development with the decision being delegated to the Head of Planning and Development, in consultation with the Chair, to agree suitably worded planning conditions.


However, the Committee AGREED that a condition should be added to ensure that the setting out of the new plots are in strict accordance with the approved plans in terms of its relationship with neighbouring properties (No 28 and 30 Kings Road).


The meeting was adjourned at 8.05pm, and reconvened at 8.10pm. 




Application Number:  AWDM/1606/18


Ocean View Business Park, Gardner Road, Southwick


Erection of 7no. industrial units for Use Classes B1 (business) and B8 (storage or distribution) on east side of site with associated parking and refuse storage.


An aerial photograph of the site was shown to Members, to indicate the scale of the existing building, and the Officer advised the key planning consideration for Members was the proposal’s relationship with the nine terraced houses in Fishersgate Close to the east. 


The Officer advised a number of representations had been received in connection with the application, including a petition being presented with 65 signatures.


Members were shown photographs of the site and were advised the proposal had originally been one continuous terrace  of B1 and B8 industrial units however, Officers had negotiated some breaks in the buildings.  The scheme also included acoustic fencing along the boundary with residential properties and soft landscaping on  site boundaries.


The Officer advised the proposal was seeking to address the high demand for industrial units in the District. 


The Officer concluded his presentation by referring to the transport statement, which considered the parking arrangements and swept path diagrams.  The County Council Highways Authority felt there was adequate parking for the proposed and existing business park. 


Members raised a number of queries with the Officer in relation to the report which included reports of  unloading of lorries in the street, B8 use, electric charging points and hours of use.


Queries were answered by the Officer to the Members’ satisfaction. 


There was a further representation from Cllr David Balfe, Ward Councillor.


Following debate, the majority of Members supported the application, subject to the amendment of a condition and two additional conditions.




The Committee APPROVED the application, subject to additional conditions ensuring the development achieved BREEAM ‘very good’ standard in accordance with Local Plan Policy; the provision of a minimum of 2 electric charging vehicle points; the amendment of condition no. 6 to ensure opening hours of 9.00am to 1.00pm on Saturdays; and subject to the following conditions:-.


1.    Approved Plans

2.    Standard 3 year time limit

3.    External materials 

4.    No windows above ground floor level in rear elevation

5.    Use restricted to B1/B8 only

6.    Hours of use including deliveries ensuring opening hours of 9.00am to 1.00pm on Saturdays

7.    Construction Management Plan

8.    Details of external plant

9.    No external storage/stacking

10.No external working

11.Measures to divert public water supply main to be agreed

12.Car parking

13.Cycle parking

14.Parking and turning

15.Servicing management plan

16.Removal of PD for installation of mezzanine

17.Full contaminated land


19.Refuse storage

20.Drainage details

21.Erection of fence

22.Development to achieve BREEAM ‘very good’ standard

23.Minimum of 2 electric charging points




Application Number:  AWDM/0906/19


412 Upper Shoreham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5NE


Proposed single storey detached outbuilding comprising gym, sunroom and store to rear garden.


Members were shown a site plan and the Officer highlighted the position of the proposed outbuilding in the north west corner of the site and its relationship with 4 Adur Road.


The Officer advised there had been a query as to whether an existing block wall was to be retained.  This was referred to by the Officer, and highlighted on the elevation drawings and photographs shown.


The recommendation was for permission to be granted.


There was a further representation from an objector, Ms Archer.


All Members agreed to accept the Officer’s recommendation, subject to an additional condition with regard to lighting and an informative in respect of the retention of a boundary wall. 




The Committee Members APPROVED the application, subject to an agreed additional condition (No. 6), an informative, and the following conditions:- 


1.    Approved Plans

2.    Standard time limit

3.    Materials as plan

4.    No additional windows in east or north elevations

5.    Incidental to dwellinghouse only

6.    No external lighting to be installed on the building, hereby approved, unless details of lights are  first submitted to and approved, in writing, by the LPA.




            The boundary wall to be retained with the neighbouring property (No. 4 Adur Road) as indicated on the approved plans.


Supporting documents: