Agenda item

Recommendations from the Executive and Committees to Council

To consider recommendations to the Council, details of which are set out in the attached items as 8A(i), 8B(i) & (ii) and 8C(i) to (iv). 


Full reports are available on the website as listed below:



Executive /  Committee




Joint Strategic Committee

9 June 2020

i) JSC/005/20-21 Chief Executive’s use of Urgency Powers during the Covid-19 Global Pandemic



Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee

25 June 2020

i) Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2019/20


ii) Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee Work Programme



Joint Strategic Committee

7 July 2020

i) Financial Performance 2019/20 - Revenue Outturn


ii) Financial Performance 2019/20 - Capital and Projects Outturn


iii) Impact of Covid 19 on the Council’s finances - Update on current financial performance and developing a revenue budget for 2021/22


iv) Becoming financially sustainable - Capital Strategy 2021/24




Council had, before it, recommendations from the Joint Strategic Committee.


Extracts of these minutes had been circulated as items 8A(i), 8B(i) & (ii) and 8C(i) to (iv).


Item 8A(i)        Joint Strategic Committee  - 9 June 2020


Chief Executive’s use of Urgency Powers during the Covid-19 Global Pandemic


The Leader of the Council presented the recommendation from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 9 June 2020.   


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes.


The substantive motion was supported on a vote:


For 35, Against 0, Abstentions 2




That the Council noted and endorsed the decision to increase the Treasury Management limits.



Item 8B(i)        Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee - 25 June 2020


Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee Work Programme for 2020/21


The Chairman of the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee presented a recommendation from the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 25 June 2020.


The proposal was seconded by Cllr Clive Walker.


A Member highlighted the quality of debate during meetings of the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee over the past year.


On a vote: For 34, Against 0, Abstentions 3





That the Council approved the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee work programme for 2020/21, as amended.



Item 8B(ii)       Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee - 25 June 2020


Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2019/20    


The Chairman of the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee presented a recommendation from the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 25 June 2020.


The proposal was seconded by Cllr Richard Nowak.


On a vote: For 35, Against 0, Abstentions 2




That Worthing Borough Council approved the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee Annual Report for 2019/20.



Item 8C(i)        Joint Strategic Committee - 7 July 2020


Financial Performance 2019/20 - Revenue Outturn


The Leader of the Council presented the recommendation from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 7 July 2020.   


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes.


During debate on the item, Members considered the level of return from the investment portfolio, the loss of income from Car Parks and the risks associated with commercial investments.    


The substantive motion was supported on a vote:


For 24, Against 10, Abstentions 3




That the Council


(a) noted the overall final outturn for 2019/20;


(b) approved the net appropriations to General Fund Reserves in the year as detailed in paragraph 6.2 totalling: Adur District Council £1,072,315, Worthing Borough Council £905,486; 


(c) agreed the net carry over of revenue budget to 2020/21 funded from reserves as detailed in appendix 6: Adur District Council £80,700, Worthing Borough Council £157,500.



Item 8C(ii)       Joint Strategic Committee - 7 July 2020


Financial Performance 2019/20 - Capital and Projects Outturn


The Leader of the Council presented the recommendation from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 7 July 2020.    


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes.


Members debated the status of major projects, including the timescales for their completion and their importance in relation to the delivery of housing for the town.   


The substantive motion was supported on a vote:


For 23, Against 12, Abstentions 2




That the Council


 noted the overall capital final outturn for 2019/20;


(b) agreed the net carry over of General Fund Capital underspends for Worthing Borough Council as detailed in paragraph 5.10;


(c) approved the financing of the Worthing Borough Council 2019/20 Capital Investment Programme, including the use of capital receipts as set out in paragraphs 5.7 and 5.8;


(d) approved the carry forward of Council resources underspends to fund budget pressures as detailed in paragraph 4.2.2. And to fund a contingency budget as detailed in paragraph 5.13 and summarised in paragraph 5.14;


(e) approved the use of capital receipts to fund redundancy costs associated with the Environmental Services restructure and the resulting Capital Flexibilities Strategy as detailed in paragraph 5.9.



Item 8C(iii)      Joint Strategic Committee - 7 July 2020


Impact of Covid 19 on the Council’s finances - Update on current financial performance and developing a revenue budget for 2021/22


The Leader of the Council presented the recommendation from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 7 July 2020.   


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes.


During debate, Members thanked Officers for their work, acknowledged the deficit in Council funding and noted the channels used for the lobbying of central government by the Leader of the Council.  


The substantive motion was supported on a vote:


For 33, Against 2, Abstentions 2




That the Council approved the Budget Strategy for 2021/22.



Item 8C(iv)      Joint Strategic Committee - 7 July 2020


Becoming financially sustainable - Capital Strategy 2021/24


The Leader of the Council presented the recommendation from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 7 July 2020.   


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes.


During debate of the item members considered the work undertaken in partnership with West Sussex County Council, the levels of funding provided to Local Authorities and the strategic aims of the Council’s Commercial Investment Strategy.


The substantive motion was supported on a vote:


For 23, Against 12, Abstentions 2




That the Council approved the Capital Strategy for 2021/24.


Supporting documents: