Agenda item

Recommendations from the Executive and Committees to Council

To consider recommendations to the Council, details of which are set out in the attached items as 7a – 7h.  Full reports are available on the website as listed below:







Joint Strategic Committee

9 June 2020

Chief Executive’s use of Urgency Powers during the Covid-19 Global Pandemic


Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee

25 June 2020

Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2020/21


Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee

25 June 2020

Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2019/20


Joint Strategic Committee

7 July 2020

Financial Performance 2019/20 – Revenue Outturn


Joint Strategic Committee

7 July 2020

Financial Performance 2019/20 Capital and Projects Outturn


Joint Strategic Committee

7 July 2020

Impact of Covid 19 on the Council’s finances - Update on current financial performance and developing a revenue budget for 2021/22


Joint Strategic Committee

7 July 2020

Becoming financially sustainable - Capital Strategy 2021/24


Joint Strategic Committee

7 July 2020

Southwick Green


Joint Strategic Committee

7 July 2020

Western Harbour Arm



a) Chief Executive’s use of Urgency Powers during the Covid-19 Global Pandemic


The Leader introduced the recommendation to the Council. The Council debated the matter and on a vote it was,


Resolved: that the decision to increase the Treasury Management limits onto Council be noted and endorsed.



b) Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2020/21


The Vice Chair of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee introduced the Work Programme to the Council and moved the recommendation which was seconded


On a vote the recommendations were approved


          Resolved: That the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2020/21 Work Programme be approved



c) Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2019/20


The Vice Chair of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee introduced the Annual Report to the Council and moved the recommendation which was seconded


Resolved: That the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2019/20 be approved



d) Financial Performance - 2019/20 Revenue Outturn


The Leader introduced the recommendation to the Council. The Council debated the matter and and upon a vote it was,




 1. that the overall final outturn for 2019/20 be noted;


(b) that the net appropriations to General Fund Reserves in the year as detailed in paragraph 6.2 totalling: Adur District Council £1,072,315 be approved; 


(c) that the net carry over of revenue budget to 2020/21 funded from reserves as detailed in appendix 6: Adur District Council £80,700 Worthing Borough Council £157,500 be agreed.



e) Impact of Covid 19 on the Council’s finances - Update on current financial performance and developing a revenue budget for 2021/22



The Leader introduced the recommendation to the council and moved the recommendation which was seconded.


The Council debated the recommendation, in particular matters relating to the Strategic Property Investment Programme


On a vote the recommendations were approved


Resolved: that the Councils approve the Budget Strategy for 2021/22 outlined in Section 9 of the report



f) Financial Performance 2019/20 - Capital and Projects



The Leader of introduced the recommendation to the Council which was seconded, voted upon and approved.


Resolved: that Adur District Council:


1) note the overall capital final outturn for 2019/20;


2) Agree the net carry over of General Fund Capital underspends for Adur District Council as detailed in paragraphs 5.3;


3) Approve the financing of the Adur District Council 2019/20 Capital Investment Programme, including the use of capital receipts as set out in paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2;


4) Approve the carry forward of Council resources underspends to fund budget pressures and a contingency budget as detailed in paragraph 4.2.2. and summarised in paragraph 5.6.



g)         Becoming financially sustainable - Capital Strategy 2021/24


The Leader of introduced the recommendation to the Council which was seconded, voted upon and approved.


            Resolved: that the Capital Strategy for 2021/24 be approved



h)         Southwick Green


The Council was asked to suspend Council Procedure rules where they conflicted with the budget procedure rules in accordance with paragraph 7.2 of the budget procedure rules.


Resolved: that Adur District Council, as Trustees of Southwick Green, note this resolution of the Joint Strategic Committee, made on behalf of the Trustees


i)          Western Harbour Arm Flood Defence Scheme


The Leader of the Council introduced the recommendations to the Council. The motion was proposed, seconded and on a vote it was






            that Adur District Council:


(a)        Approve an overall increase to the budget for the Flood Defence scheme at Western Harbour Arm of £1,140,000. The full cost of the project will be £6.1m;


(b)        Resource the associated funding shortfall of £1,140,000 as follows:

£427,000 grant from the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Partnership;

Additional borrowing of £713,000.

Supporting documents: