Agenda item

Recommendations from the Executive and Committees to Council

To consider recommendations to the Council, details of which are set out in the attached items. 


Full reports are available on the website as listed below.



Executive / Committee





Joint Strategic Committee

14 January 2020

i) JSC/079/19-20 Council Tax Support Schemes for 2020/21


ii) JSC/080/19-20 Council Tax “long term empty” premium and discounts



Joint Governance Committee


28 January 2020

i) JGC/059/19-20 Review of the Code of Conduct for Members


Worthing Executive


3 February 2020

i) Budget Estimates 2020/21 and Setting of 2020/21 Council Tax


Joint Strategic Committee


11 February 2020

i)  Delivering our Housing Strategy - Adur and Worthing Councils’ Housing Allocations Policies


ii) Joint Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2020/21 to 2022/23, Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council






Council had before it recommendations from the Joint Strategic Committee, Joint Governance Committee and Worthing Executive.


Extracts of these minutes had been circulated as items 7A(i) & (ii), 7B(i), 7C(i) and 7D(i) & (ii).


Item 7A(i)        Joint Strategic Committee - 14 January 2020


Council Tax Support Schemes for 2020/21


The Leader of the Council presented recommendations from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 14 January 2020.   


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes.


During consideration of the item, Members discussed the fairness of the proposals and who should be asked to pay. It was noted that there was a Hardship Fund to help those most in need and that the proposals aimed to create a fair system that enabled people to come forward and pay their share. 


On a vote: For 19, Against 12, Abstentions 1




That Worthing Borough Council approved that the Council Tax Support scheme for Worthing Borough Council in respect of working age customers for 2020/21:-


should be based upon the scheme for 2019/20 with the £5.00 weekly restriction retained; and

that the discretionary budget to support those in severe financial difficulties should be retained; and

no other changes should be made beyond necessary technical amendments required to keep the scheme consistent with the national rules in respect of Housing Benefit



Item 7A(ii)        Joint Strategic Committee - 14 January 2020


Council Tax “long term empty” premium and discounts


The Leader presented recommendations (a), (b) and (c) from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 14 January 2020. The Council noted that 3(d) was not a recommendation to Council.


The proposal was seconded by Cllr Heather Mercer.


On a vote:  For 22, Against 0, Abstentions 10




That Worthing Borough Council approved


that the “long-term empty premium” should be increased in accordance with the maximum figures detailed in paragraph 3.5 of the report;


that a discretionary policy should no be introduced; and


that the local discount in respect of unoccupied properties undergoing structural alterations should be abolished with effect from 1 April 2020.



Item 7B(i)        Joint Governance Committee - 28 January 2020


Review of the Code of Conduct for Members


The JGC Chairman introduced a recommendation from the Joint Governance Committee meeting held on 28 January 2020. 


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Bob Smytherman.


The Council acknowledged the need for Elected Members to have Code of Conduct training at least once, every two years. 


On a vote:  For 31, Against 0, Abstentions 1




That Worthing Borough Council approved the adoption of the revised Code of Conduct for Members, attached to the JGC report as Appendix 1, as amended.







Item 7C(i)        Worthing Executive - 3 February 2020


Budget Estimates 2020/21 and setting of 2020/21 Council Tax


The Mayor informed the Council that the recommendations from Worthing Executive would be considered as part of Item 8 on the agenda.



Item 7D(i)        Joint Strategic Committee - 10 March 2020


Delivering our Housing Strategy - Adur and Worthing Councils’ Housing Allocations Policies


The Leader presented recommendations from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 11 February 2020.


The proposal was seconded by Cllr Elizabeth Sparkes.


Members discussed the Council’s approach to public consultation and the need to encourage greater public participation.


On a vote:  For 32, Against 0, Abstain 0




That Worthing Borough Council approved the adoption of the Worthing Borough Council Housing Allocation Policy.



Item 7D(ii)       Joint Strategic Committee - 11 February 2020


Joint Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2020/21 to 2022/23, Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council


The Leader of the Council introduced the recommendation from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 11 February 2020 and invited questions from members.


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Keith Bickers.


On a vote:  For 24, Against 9, Abstain 0




That Worthing Borough Council approved the Prudential Indicators and Limits, and MRP Statements.


Supporting documents: