This page lists the meetings for Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
Earlier meetings.
What is the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee?
The JOSC is responsible for holding to account the Joint Strategic Committee (Joint Cabinets) and the Executive Members and reviewing their work and decisions. The Committee plays a similar role to that played by the Parliamentary Select Committees in Westminster.
The JOSC has the opportunity to review other issues which affect Adur and Worthing residents and the services which they receive. JOSC can also scrutinise the work of the various Partnerships in Adur and Worthing, can monitor budgets and performance and help develop new policies and review existing ones.
What kind of subjects get discussed at meetings?
JOSC can discuss lots of issues affecting the communities of Adur and Worthing. The JOSC does not make decisions but seeks to influence those who do by considering the major issues affecting the areas and making recommendations about how services can be improved.
Why is it important for residents to get involved?
JOSC is keen to review issues which are of concern to local residents. JOSC would like local residents to get involved in the scrutiny process by suggesting potential review issues and to do this residents can submit Scrutiny request forms or by contacting their local Adur Councillor or Worthing Councillor.
The specific responsibilities and functions delegated to this Committee are set out in detail in the Joint Committee Agreement of each council's constitution.