This page lists the meetings for Joint Strategic Committee.
Earlier meetings.
The Joint Strategic Committee has the following delegated functions
· To determine all matters relating to Executive functions unless specifically reserved to the Executives of the individual Councils.
· To provide strategic management of the services.
· To provide strategic direction to both Councils in relation to all Executive functions unless specifically reserved to the Executives of the individual Councils.
· To set strategic targets in respect of the services.
· To agree draft revenue and capital budgets for the implementation of each joint service which comply with the agreed budget strategy set by the Councils and which clearly show the costs to be borne by each Council including the allocation of any resulting savings or efficiencies and to recommend them to the Councils.
· To annually agree draft revenue and capital budgets for the joint services which comply with the agreed budget strategies set by the Councils and which clearly show the costs to be borne by each Council.
· To receive any reports in respect of any Executive function.
· To determine significant changes to the nature of the services delivered to the public in one or both Council areas.
The specific responsibilities and functions delegated to this Committee are set out in detail in the Joint Committee Agreement of each council's constitution.