This page lists the meetings for Joint Strategic Sub-Committee (Worthing).
Later meetings.
Terms of Reference
The Joint Strategic Committee shall establish two sub-committees under clause 4.1(l) of the Joint Committees Agreement, entitled the Adur Executive Sub-Committee and the Worthing Executive Sub-Committee.
The Worthing Executive Sub-Committee shall consist of the Executive Members of Worthing Borough Council, to consider Executive functions solely relating to that Council.
The Chair of each sub-committees shall be the Executive Leader of the relevant Council. In the Chair’s absence, the sub-committee may appoint a Chair from among its members.
The sub-committees shall meet at such times, dates and venues as are determined by the Chair of the sub-committee.
For a sub-committee meeting to be quorate there must be at least three members present.
In the event of a Member being unable to attend a meeting of a sub-committee, there is no ability to appoint a substitute Member.
Each sub-committee Member shall have one vote in its proceedings. The Chair may exercise a second or casting vote.
Each sub-committee may arrange for the discharge of its functions by an Officer and in doing so will set out clearly any limits upon such delegation.
Each sub-committee may establish working groups to assist it in its work and in doing so will set clear terms of reference for them. Such working groups will not be decision-making bodies.
All reports to each of the sub-committees shall contain risk impact assessments for the other council.