Venue: Remote Meeting via Zoom
Contact: Neil Terry
Democratic Services Lead
01903 221073
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interests Members and officers must declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to any business on the agenda. Declarations should also be made at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting.
If in doubt contact the Legal or Democratic Services representative for this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Val Turner declared an interest in Item 8 as a Member of the Board of Trustees for South Downs Leisure Trust.
Councillor Heather Mercer declared an interest in Item 10 as she had attended the management meetings regarding Colonnade House.
Councillor Kevin Boram declared an interest in Item 6 as a Member of West Sussex County Council. |
Minutes To approve the minutes of the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 6 October 2020, copies of which have been previously circulated. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 6 October 2020, be approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman. |
Public Question Time To receive any questions from members of the public.
Questions should be submitted by noon on Friday 30 October 2020 to Democratic Services,
Minutes: A question was received in advance of the meeting from the Adur Residents Environmental Action (AREA) which was read out by the Chairman.
‘‘This question relates to Item 6 on tonight’s agenda - the JOSC Working Party report on Climate Change Issues.
We understand that this report was not endorsed by the JOSC on 17th September following a member of the committee claiming the report contained factual inaccuracies. However these alleged inaccuracies were not detailed or discussed before it was put to a vote. Therefore AREA believe the report was not adequately scrutinised.
This Working Party report is now before the JSC so can we be assured that this committee will give the report proper, due consideration as Climate Change is an extremely important issue that affects us all.’’
The Chairman advised that the report would be given the Committee’s full consideration. |
Items Raised under Urgency Provisions To consider any items the Chairman of the meeting considers to be urgent. Minutes: There were no items raised under urgency provisions. |
Oral update received from the Chief Executive and the Director for Communities *An oral update was received from the Chief Executive and the Director for Communities in regards to Covid-19 and the associated implications of a second lockdown which was due to commence on 5 November. |
Chairman's Announcement Minutes: The Chairman advised that the agenda Item 12 - Property Portfolio Purchase in Worthing had been withdrawn and therefore, would not be considered at the meeting. |
Working towards the councils’ carbon neutral target: progress update PDF 236 KB To consider a report from the Director for Digital, Sustainability & Resources, a copy is attached as item 5. Minutes: Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Digital, Sustainability and Resources, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 5.
On 9 July 2019, the Joint Strategic Committee (JSC) declared a ‘Climate Emergency’. As part of the declaration, Members committed to work towards becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
In December 2019, the JSC approved the adoption of the councils Carbon Neutral Plan’ which set out an ambitious pathway for Adur and Worthing Councils to become carbon neutral by 2030. The Councils had also made a voluntary commitment under the Government’s Emissions Reduction Pledge 2020 to report annually on carbon emission reductions.
The report presented the first year’s carbon emissions report. To achieve the 2030 carbon neutral target, an average reduction of 10% would need to be achieved annually. When compared to 2018/19, emissions from the Councils' buildings and vehicles reduced by more than 13% in the past year.
Due to new data becoming available, it was proposed to re-baseline the council's carbon emissions to ensure greater accuracy in the coming years
An outline of future carbon reduction projects was also presented (Section 6).
A Member sought clarification regarding plans to retrofit Council housing heating systems and requiring developers to provide electric heating and energy storage and the provision of a solar farm as outlined in 6.2.2 of the report. Officers confirmed that a report would be brought forward (to the December JSC meeting) regarding solar opportunities on Council owned buildings and land. Both Councils were in the process of reviewing and refreshing their Local Plans which informed the approach to development and seeks to reflect the formative Environment Bill which looks towards net biodiversity gain. The Worthing Local Plan, which will be the first to be refreshed, would look to adopt the UN Sustainability Goals as a foundation stone to the Council’s approach. It was also noted that in regards to Social Housing, Officers form the Carbon Reduction Team were working with colleagues in Adur Homes to understand the data currently available and have recently submitted a bid to the Greater South East Energy Hub to work with them and external consultants to take a holistic view of the energy performance of Adur’s housing stock. If the bid is successful, it will develop a plan which the Council can build into the Capital Investment Programme going forward, with a minimum aim for that is for all social housing properties under the Adur Homes banner to be of an EPC C by 2030 but Officers would look to go beyond that where possible.
Members welcomed the report, noting the 13.85% reduction in emissions in 2019/20 and sought clarity in relation to the reductions forecast for 2020/21 and the effect of lockdown on emissions during this period. Officers advised that some of the big projects would be implemented and start to deliver benefits past the current year which meant the Councils performance ... view the full minutes text for item JSC/67/20-21 |
Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee Review of Climate Change PDF 265 KB To consider a report from the Director for Digital, Sustainability & Resources, a copy is attached as item 6. Minutes: Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Digital, Sustainability and Resources, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 6.
Councillor Catherine Arnold, Chairman of the JOSC Review of Climate Change Working Group, attended the meeting to present the Group’s recommendations.
The Joint Strategic Committee (JSC) was asked to receive and note the findings and recommendations of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JOSC) review of climate change issues. Those recommendations followed on from the discussions of a Working Group set up by JOSC. A copy of the report from the Working Group was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
The Working Group was pleased that there was work being undertaken by the Councils to address climate change, however, it identified some strong recommendations to help the Councils and other partners tackle climate change and to help the Councils keep on course to meet the aims of Sustainable Adur & Worthing and to help the Councils tackle some of the biggest environmental issues of this time.
Members gave consideration to the scope of the Working Group and the ability of the Councils to influence the work of West Sussex County Council. It was noted that Members wished to see a greater focus on matters that were within Adur and Worthing Councils remit and affordability.
During consideration of recommendation 7.4, Members highlighted the need to support local business and balance the size of contract with expectations regarding carbon reduction.
Members wanted to see more information regarding the costs of implementing the recommendations of the Working Group and the impacts this may have on local residents.
The recommendations at 2.1 and 2.2 in the covering report were proposed by Councillor Daniel Humphreys, seconded by Councillor Angus Dunn and were unanimously supported by the Committee.
The Joint Strategic Committee.
1. noted the report, findings and recommendations from the JOSC Working Group; and
2. agreed to receive a report in January 2021 on the issues raised by the JOSC Working Group and consideration of the implications for each recommendation contained in the Scrutiny report at Appendix 1 in order for the Executive to provide a formal response to JOSC.
Call In:
The call-in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 13 November 2020.
Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee Review of Adur Homes Repairs and maintenance service PDF 237 KB To consider a report from the Director for Digital, Sustainability & Resources, a copy is attached as item 7. Minutes: Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Digital, Sustainability & Resources, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 7.
Councillor Stephen Chipp, Chairman of the JOSC Review of Adur Homes Repairs and Maintenance Service Working Group, attended the meeting to present the Group’s recommendations.
The Joint Strategic Committee (JSC) was asked to receive and note the findings and recommendations of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JOSC) review of the Adur Homes Repairs and maintenance service. The recommendations followed on from the discussions of a Working Group set up by JOSC. A copy of the report from the Working Group was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
The JOSC Working Group was briefed on the changes that had been made and were being made to the delivery of the Adur Homes Repairs and Maintenance Service. The Working Group had recognised and accepted that the full improvement of the repairs and maintenance service was not a quick process and would take time to deliver. However, the Working Group had strongly recommended that the Adur District Council Executive Member for Customer Services and senior officers put in place a transformation programme that set out a timetable to implement improvements to Adur Homes core business of the provision of social housing. The Working Group was also recommending that the transformation programme be endorsed by the Joint Strategic Committee and appropriate progress reporting was implemented in order to ensure that decisions were made to support the transformation programme on a timely basis.
The Committee acknowledged that there had been issues with the maintenance and repair service and that the Working Group report put his problems into a single report that could be used to benchmark progress moving forwards.
The ACF representative welcomed the report and informed members that it had been very hard work for residents to get things done. She wanted Adur District Council to take the issues raised seriously and asked whether a timeline for implementation would be provided.
The recommendations at 2.1 and 2.2 in the covering report were proposed by Councillor Carson Albury, seconded by Councillor Angus Dunn and were unanimously supported by the Committee.
The Joint Strategic Committee
1. noted the report, findings and recommendations from the JOSC Working Group; and
2. agreed to receive a report in January 2021 on the issues raised by the JOSC Working Group and consideration of the implications for each recommendation contained in the Scrutiny report at Appendix 1, incorporating a timeline for implementation, in order for the Executive to provide a formal response to the JOSC.
Call In:
The call-in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 13 November 2020.
*Councillor Heather Mercer left the meeting prior to the consideration of Item 8 |
Re-Opening Adur's Leisure Facilities PDF 142 KB To consider a report from the Director for the Economy, a copy is attached as item 8. Minutes: Before the Committee was a report by the Director for the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 8.
The report updated Members of the Committee on the negotiations and progress towards making a direct award to South Downs Leisure (SDL) to secure the sustainable re-opening of leisure facilities in Adur.
Members considered the annual budget for the operation of the ACL contract for 2020/21, the suitability of entering into a contract with SDL and where the additional budget for management of the Leisure Facilities in 2020/21 would come from. In addition, consideration was given to staffing and future membership.
The Committee welcomed the report and thanked officers for their work in bringing forward the proposals. The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor Emma Evans, seconded by Councillor Carson Albury and were unanimously supported by the Committee.
The Joint Strategic Committee
a) noted the current negotiations to progress a direct award with South Downs Leisure (prior to the Director for the Economy exercising his delegated authority to award the contract in consultation with the Executive Member for the Environment and the Leader of the Council);
b) approved additional budget of £282,870 for the management of the Leisure Facilities in 2020/21, funded from the emergency grant provided by the government; and
c) noted that a direct award was subject to South Down Leisure’s governance processes.
Call In:
The call-in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 13 November 2020.
* At 8.11pm Adur Councillors Brian Boggis, Kevin Boram, Angus Dunn, Emma Evans and Neil Parkin left the meeting in accordance with the Joint Committee Agreement. |
A Partnership Approach to Secure New Homes at Teville Gate PDF 164 KB To consider a report from the Director for the Economy, a copy is attached as item 9. Minutes: Before the Committee was a report by the Director for the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 9.
The report informed members of progress towards a partnership with Vivid Homes Ltd to support the development of Teville Gate and provide 230 new homes; 130 of which would be affordable homes as part of a housing led mixed use development with an emphasis on placemaking and design.
The Committee welcomed the report and expressed support for the proposals put forward whilst highlighting the importance of the intervention on this site and acknowledging the associated risks.
Reassurance was sought regarding the type of agreement and sale price per unit identified. Officers advised that Vivid Homes Ltd were happy to enter into the form of agreement proposed and that the property valuations were based on the development costs per square meter and benchmarked against commercial figures.
The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor Daniel Humphreys, seconded by Councillor Kevin Jenkins and were unanimously supported by the Committee.
The Joint Strategic Committee
i. approved the release of £246,000 from the Worthing Borough Council Capacity Issues Reserve to fund the initial costs associated with the project;
ii. delegated authority to the Director for the Economy to enter into a pre-purchase funding agreement with Vivid Homes on the terms proposed within this report; and
iii. noted that a further report would be presented to the Joint Strategic Committee detailing the final agreement with Vivid Homes, the financial commitment to be made by Worthing Borough Council and seeking authority to proceed.
Call In:
The call-in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 13 November 2020. |
Supporting the Creative and Digital Sector - Colonnade House Redevelopment PDF 145 KB To consider a report from the Director for the Economy, a copy is attached as item 10. Minutes: Before the Committee was a report by the Director for the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 9.
The report updated the Committee on the progress of Colonnade House and outlined the vision to expand and establish a Creative and Digital Hub in the heart of Worthing town centre.
The report set out Worthing Borough Council’s strong commitment to supporting and growing the Creative Industries in the town, with Colonnade House being positioned as a hub for this key sector.
Approval was sought to progress the scheme through to a planning consent for the redevelopment of Colonnade House and adjoining properties.
A Member sought clarification regarding the costs associated with the proposals and Officers advised that another report would be brought to the Joint Strategic Committee in March / April 2020/21.
The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor Daniel Humphreys, seconded by Councillor Val Turner and were unanimously supported by the Committee.
That the Joint Strategic Committee
a) noted the successful progress made to date of establishing Colonnade House as a Creative Hub, since its inception in 2016;
b) agreed to the vision for expanding Colonnade House and establishing this as a Creative & Digital Hub to support the creative sector;
c) delegated authority to the Head of Major Projects & Investment to:
i. make the necessary consultancy appointments to prepare and submit a Full Planning Application;
ii. prepare a Full Business Case for the development of No’s 5 and 7 High Street and 52 Ann Street, Worthing.
Call In:
The call-in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 13 November 2020. |