Venue: The Council Chamber, Town Hall
No. | Item | ||||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes: The Mayor received apologies for absence from Councillors Ellum and Skinner. |
Returning Officer's Return of Persons Elected Council to note the Returning Officer’s Return of Person elected in the by-election on 19 September 2024 for the Marine Ward vacancy:
Name Party Term of office Thomas Taylor Conservative May 2028
Minutes: Resolved That Council noted the Returning Officer’s return of persons elected in the Borough by-elections held in Marine and Heene Wards on the 19th September and the 10th October 2024 respectively. |
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers must declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to any business on the agenda. Declarations should also be made at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting.
If in doubt, contact the Legal or Democratic Services representative for this meeting.
Minutes: Councillor James declared an interest in Item 13 as a member of a household that attracted the winter fuel allowance in the past.
Councillor Atkins declared an interest as an Elected Member of West Sussex County Council.
Councillor Jenkins declared an interest in Item 13 as the carer with a power of attorney for his parents who would no longer receive the winter fuel allowance.
Councillor John Turley declared an interest as an Elected Member of West Sussex County Council (WSCC) who sat on the WSCC Pension Committee.
Confirmation of Minutes To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 23 July 2024, copies of which have been previously circulated. Minutes: Cllr Hunt advised that she had asked the Leader a question at the July Council meeting and had received an incomplete response. The Leader had subsequently provided additional information in a written response and Cllr Hunt proposed that the minutes of the July meeting be amended to include the following information.
Cllr Hunt’s question was in relation to actions arising from a Motion on Notice considered by Full Council in October 2021 regarding the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill 2020. The Leader advised Cllr Hunt that there was no resolution by Full Council requesting that a letter would be written. However, the Leader was in the process of working with Cllr Jeremy Gardner, Leader of Adur District Council, on a letter to the government requesting that they help us support our communities and will include nature and environment support as part of this.
The proposal was seconded by Cllr Davey and unanimously supported.
Questions from the public To receive any questions from members of the public addressed to Members of the Cabinet in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. There is up to 5 minutes for each question, one supplementary question may be asked arising from the original question.
Questions must relate to any matter the Council has power or which affects the Borough, except no questions may be asked in relation to
a) A specific planning or licensing application b) A specific staffing appointment or appeal, or Standards determination
Public question time will last up to 30 minutes; questions will be taken in the order of receipt.
What is your view on the national labour party's fuel allowance cut and what are you doing to make grants more accessible to those without access to the internet?
The Leader replied that letters had been issued to 149 pension aged residents who have been identified as entitled to, but not claiming Pension Credit.
Work had been done in conjunction with partner organisations to identify residents who were also eligible for Pension Credit but who were not yet known to us.
A communications plan was being launched by the DWP across multiple platforms (TV, Radio, social media) and they anticipate that they will see an uptake in the region of a million more claimants as a result (there are currently 1.6 million claimants in total).
A further campaign was being planned by Citizens Advice in order to reach out to the wider community.
Work was also underway to identify a cohort of residents who were just missing out on qualifying for Pension Credit as their income was deemed to be too high. The Council was working on different options and would develop a proposal for West Sussex County Council (WSCC).
The Council had also created a Fuel Poverty
Event scheduled for 14th November 2024 where partners from various
organisations would be on hand to offer advice and guidance, and
the opportunity to undergo a benefit check. This was designed to
help residents that don't have access to the internet. 2. Question submitted by Jasmin Watkins, a Worthing Resident, to the Leader
Road Safety around West Park School area:
Could the Leader of the Council please tell us what is happening about implementing 20mph speed limit areas?
Council have been talking about implementing 20mph speed limit areas (not just at school time).
As volunteers we have been doing work around the school run at West Park. Changing driver behaviour is often discussed.
Residents have expressed real fears and concerns of exceeding speed limits especially outside of school run times.
Traffic volume and speeds is a concern to those actively travelling to school.
We understand from the local media and from the former leader, Beccy Cooper MP, that the council is actively considering implementing 20mph speed limits in certain areas.
Could the council leader please provide an update on any progress on this and say whether the West Park school area could have 20mph speed limits please. The Leader replied that the Council was still very much committed to looking at 20mph speed limit areas but of course this needed to be in partnership with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) as the Highways Authority. Based on recent feedback from key partner organisations, the plan was to focus on one area of Worthing as a trial or pilot area in 2025, although this was subject to funding and support from WSCC.
The Council was planning a workshop at the end of November with local stakeholders to start the conversation about reduced ... view the full minutes text for item C/30/24-25 |
Outcome of by-elections, political proportionality and allocation of committee seats To consider a report by the Director for Sustainability & Resources – report to follow the By-election on the 10th October 2024. Minutes: The Council considered a report by the Director for Sustainability & Resources at agenda item 6.
Announcements by the Mayor, Leader of the Council, Cabinet Members or the Head of Paid Service Minutes: The Mayor informed Council that he had attended a number of events since the July Council Meeting, including:-
The Leader:-
1. Wished to place on record the Council’s thanks to former councillor Richard Mulholland for his contribution to the work of the Council. 2. Welcomed newly elected Councillors Luke Houghton and Thomas Taylor to Worthing Borough Council following the recent by-elections held in Marine and Heene Wards. 3. Advised Council that Councillor Dom Ford had been appointed as the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure. 4. Advised that Councillor Jon Roser would fill the Labour vacancy on the Joint Audit & Governance Committee resulting from the above appointment. 5. Proposed that Councillor Jon Roser be appointed the Vice-Chair of the Joint Audit & Governance Committee. The motion was seconded by Councillor Dan Hermitage and was unanimously agreed. 6. Worthing Pier Announcement
The Cabinet Members and Chief Executive made no announcements.
The Mayor used his discretion to allow the Opposition Group Leader to make the following announcements:-
1. Councillor Jenkins congratulated and welcomed Councillors Houghton and Taylor to Worthing Borough Council following the recent by-elections; and 2. Notified the Council that Councillor Taylor would replace Councillor Jenkins on the Licensing & Control Committee.
Items raised under urgency provisions To consider any items the Mayor has agreed are urgent. Minutes: There were no urgent items raised under the urgency provisions. |
Recommendations from the Cabinet and Committees to Council To consider recommendations to the Council, details of which are set out in the attached item as 9A.
Reports are available on the website as listed below:
Minutes: Council had, before it, a recommendation from the Joint Audit & Governance Committee.
Extracts of these minutes had been circulated as item 9A.
Item 9A Joint Audit & Governance Committee - 26 September 2024
Joint Audit & Governance Committee - Conferment of Honorary Alderman
The Chair of the Joint Governance Committee, Cllr Hermitage, proposed the recommendations from the meeting held on 26 September 2024. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Daniel Humphreys and unanimously supported by the Council:
Resolved: That Worthing Borough Council agreed that a special meeting of the Council be arranged under section 249(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 for the specific purpose of conferring the title of Honorary Alderwoman to Hazel Thorpe.
Report of the Leader on Decisions taken by the Cabinet To receive a report from the Leader as item 10. The report contains decisions taken by the Cabinet, Cabinet Members and the Joint Strategic Committee since the last Council meeting.
There will be up to 15 minutes for Cabinet Members to make any statements on the report. There will also be up to 15 minutes for Cabinet Members to respond to questions on the report. These questions will not be the same as any to be asked under Item 11.
Minutes: The Leader of the Council presented their report on decisions taken by the Cabinet since the last meeting of the Council, which were detailed in Item 10.
Questions were received in relation to the temporary closure and maintenance of the pier.
Members Questions under Council Procedure Rule 12 Members' question time will last up to 30 minutes, with questions being taken in the order of receipt and in rotation from each political group on the Council. The deadline for submission of questions is 10th October 2024 at 12 noon. Questions to be submitted to
Questions can be asked of the following: a. The Mayor b. A Member of the Cabinet c. The Chairman of any Committee d. The Council’s representative on any outside body
Questions cannot be asked in relation to the following: a. A specific planning or licensing application b. A specific staffing appointment, appeal or Standards determination
Minutes: The Mayor announced that the Proper Officer had received 14 questions from Members in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12. He advised that one supplementary question could be asked which must arise out of the original question, or, the reply.
Questions would be asked in rotation of the Groups represented in the Chamber and there were 30 minutes allowed for questions with 7 rotations of speakers possible. At the end of 30 minutes the Mayor explained that he would extend the time to conclude the current rotation of questions.
The Mayor announced that the following Councillors had submitted questions:
Councillors Davey, Howard, Hunt, James, Mercer, Schan and Walker.
First rotation:
Question 1 from Councillor Charles James to the Leader
Having read in the Press recently of the deplorable condition of the Badge of the Mayoral Chain of Office, and the lack of any action to repair this important part of the Borough's regalia; could you please explain what is being done to rectify this situation?
Has the Borough Council insured the Mayoral Chain Of Office against such incidents, if so, why has not a claim been made against said policy?
It has been reported that this state of affairs has been going on for some time. How so?
The Leader replied that the Mayoral Badge was damaged during a previous municipal year and the cost to repair it was not within the current allocated budget.
The regalia was insured, however the current excess payment to make a claim would vastly exceed the cost of the repair.
An estimate had been received, but with the Council’s current financial position and the ability to use an alternative badge for the regalia, meant that the repair had not been prioritised but this remained under review.
Question 2 from Councillor Carl Walker to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration
The council took the decision on 19th August 2024 to replace the existing parking equipment at High Street, Buckingham and Grafton Multi-Storey Car Parks with pay on arrival equipment. This could potentially have significant implications for local residents and businesses. Can the cabinet member confirm what consultation with businesses and residents took place before making this decision?
The Cabinet Member replied that a Senior Officer met with both heads of the Worthing Business Improvement District and the Chamber of Commerce on the 19th July, to explain the changes.
The Cabinet Member had reflected on the engagement and participation with local businesses and residents and had recognised that the Council had not engaged directly in regards to this change.
The administration had an initiative called the ‘big listen’, and the Cabinet Member stated that it hadn’t been as big as it needed to be. The Council hadn’t prioritised the inclusion of the business community. More work was needed by the Council in regards to cultural change, so that the Council could truly say that it was participative, a Council for the Community, a Council which engaged with residents and businesses.
Work was ongoing to bring about ... view the full minutes text for item C/36/24-25 |
Motion on Notice (CH) To consider a Motion on Notice, submitted by the Proper Officer on behalf of Councillor Claire Hunt, detailed as item 12.
Minutes: Council received a motion on notice proposed by Councillor Claire Hunt and seconded by Councillor Hilary Schan.
In accordance with the constitution, the motion was debated and following a vote, unanimously supported.
That the Council
1. Agreed, as part of the Council for the Community approach and Neighbourhood model, to consider how community conversations could be held with key stakeholders, staff and residents, about experiences of racism, migration and community cohesion. This would build on work that had already been undertaken (see background notes) and would be a key step in the council working towards being more than non-racist but actively anti-racist, including against Islamophobia and anti-semitism.
2. Aspired to welcoming, including and supporting people forced to flee their own homes to seek sanctuary in support of the ‘City of Sanctuary’ vision, as far as our specific context enabled us to and work towards becoming a Borough of Sanctuary. To raise awareness of what it means to be seeking sanctuary, take positive action to support and include those people, and let others know the positive contribution they make to society and the benefits of a welcoming culture to everyone. To consider opportunities to support local partners in the statutory and voluntary sectors who were working to help people seeking sanctuary.
3. Acknowledged that Gypsy, Roma and Travellers were a category of ‘people who move’, who had been subjected to genocide in the past and still faced disadvantage, discrimination and hate crime and sought to work in a collaborative way, with all voices heard, towards community cohesion between those that visit the area and settled local communities.
Motion on Notice (CW) To consider a Motion on Notice, submitted by the Proper Officer on behalf of Councillor Carl Walker, detailed as item 13.
Minutes: Council received a motion on notice proposed by Councillor Carl Walker and seconded by Councillor Ian Davey.
In accordance with the constitution, the motion was considered and debated and following a vote, was supported.
That the Council calls on the new Labour Government to: