Venue: Gordon Room, Worthing Town Hall
Contact: Katy McMullan
Democratic Services Officer
01903 221364
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest / Substitute Members Members and Officers must declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to any business on the agenda. Declarations should also be made at any stage an interest becomes apparent during the meeting.
If in doubt contact the Legal or Democratic Services representative for this meeting. Minutes: There were no substitute members. There were no declarations of interest. |
Public Question Time To receive any questions from Members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 11.2
(Note: Public Question Time will operate for a maximum of 30 minutes.) Minutes: There were no questions from members of the public. |
Licensing Act 2003 - Application for a new premises licence PDF 4 MB To consider a report by the Director for Communities, copy attached as item 3. Minutes: Before the Sub-Committee was a report by the Director for Communities, which has been circulated to all Members, a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as item 3.
Presenting Officer outlined the application
The Licensing Officer outlined the application, made on behalf of Nando's Chickenland Ltd, before members. Members were advised that the application had been the subject of formal representation by two responsible authorities, the Police, the A&W Environmental Health Protection Team and 6 members of the public.
The Officer clarified that the Police had withdrawn their representation given that the applicant had agreed to amended sale of alcohol and late night refreshment hours. He advised that A&W Environmental Health Protection Team had also withdrawn their representation as a result of amendment to the application timings.
The applicant confirmed that the Licensing Officer had provided an accurate outline of the application.
Questions from Members for the presenting Officer
There were no questions from members.
Representation from a member of the public, a resident
A member of the public made a representation which is summarised as follows:
· Concerns that the opening hours were too long · Noise implications. · Public nuisance implications.
Questions from Members to those who made representations
A Member asked if the resident knew the opening hours of other nearby restaurants. The resident replied that Auntie Bunny’s, which was the next nearest restaurant, shut at 9 pm on Thursdays and 10 pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
Questions from the applicant to those who made representations
There were no questions from the applicant.
Representation from the applicant
The applicant made a representation which is summarised as follows:
· 1.2 million pounds had been spent on the refurbishment of the site and it would create 30 to 40 employment positions. · The applicants had listened to the concerns of local residents and had adjusted the sale of alcohol and late night refreshment hours accordingly. · In addition the applicant had also offered a condition that outside hours would end at 10 pm.
Questions from Members to the applicant
A member asked why the opening hours requested were longer than that of other Nando’s restaurants in nearby towns.
The applicant answered that these restaurants had licences for longer hours but as trade evolved and got less it was often found those hours were not required. The applicant also explained that many other restaurants and bars within the town centre had licences which were for later hours than the ones applied for in this application.
The Officer clarified that older restaurants, as part of the 1964 licensing act, would have automatically been issued with licences till midnight.
Questions from those who made representations to the applicant
The resident pointed out that many of the licensed premises the applicant had mentioned were not adjacent to residential streets and asked if the applicant would consider further reducing the hours applied for.
The applicant clarified that they had adjusted the hours in line with the comments of the residents who had ... view the full minutes text for item LCSC/16/22-23 |