Venue: Remote meeting
Contact: Chris Cadman-Dando
Democratic Services Officer
01903 221364
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest / Substitute Members Members and Officers must declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to any business on the agenda. Declarations should also be made at any stage an interest becomes apparent during the meeting.
If in doubt contact the Legal or Democratic Services representative for this meeting. |
Public Question Time To receive any questions from Members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 11.2
(Note: Public Question Time will operate for a maximum of 30 minutes.) |
To consider a report by the Director for Communities, copy attached as item 3 Minutes: Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Communities, a copy of which had been circulated to all members, a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as item 3. The application had been the subject of formal representation by a responsible authority and 101 members of the public and it therefore fells to the sub-committee to determine.
The Licensing Officer introduced the report to the Committee. Members were told about the consultation process and the outcome of attempts at mediation. Mediation had been successful between the police and the applicant. There had been no successful mediation between the applicant and those making public representations. The applicant confirmed that the licensing officer had provided an accurate outline of the report.
Members questions for the Licensing Officer
The Licensing Officer answered questions in relation to the area where trade could take place (the border of the licensable area).
Representation of those who had made representations
Cllr Paul High Made a representation which is summarised as follows
· Local residents were against the application; · There was no guarantee that public toilets would be open whilst the premises was trading later on; · The premises would result in queuing on the path by the seafront which could cause accidents; · Children would be walking past people consuming alcohol; · A better location would be closer to the pier;
Resident A made a representation which is summarised as follows;
· The application was in the wrong location; · The premises would promote more of a party than a picnic; · There were too many concessions for one small area.
Resident B made the following representation:
· The application would promote alcohol related anti-social behaviour; · An unlimited number of people could gather at the site; · The beach was not like a pub; · Beach huts next to the site would be disturbed; · Concerns were expressed about underage drinking.
Resident C made the following representation:
· Anti-Social Behaviour was of the greatest concern; · Patrons could expand could expand onto the beach promenade; · Questions were raised about the mess caused and who would be responsible for collecting the mess; · Alcohol could easily be purchased for underage drinkers;
Resident D made the following representation: · A recent poll on Facebook of 168 voters had shown 95% support for the application; · Bar staff at the location were very good and would not serve anti-social or underage drinkers; · Having attended the location staff had been very helpful and there had been plenty of bin facilities; · Drinks at the premises were of high quality and more highly priced. It was clear that the premises was for more sophisticated older people of Worthing;
Resident E made the following representation:
· Alcohol should not be sold on the beach as it sent the wrong message concerning prevention of crime and disorder. Alcohol consumption was already subject of a restriction order; · There was one ramp used by all traffic to access the beach and typically this was for emergency access and wheelchairs only; · The promenade access was narrow and ... view the full minutes text for item LCSC/12/20-21 |