Venue: Council Chamber, Worthing Town Hall
Contact: Neil Terry
Senior Democratic Services Officer
01903 221073
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Ant Baker, Mike Barrett and Louise Murphy. |
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers must declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to any business on the agenda. Declarations should also be made at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting.
If in doubt contact the Legal or Democratic Services representative for this meeting. Minutes: The following interests were declared:-
Councillors Karen Harman and Lionel Harman declared an interest in item 7C(i) as the parents of Alex Harman.
Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes declared an interest as a Member of West Sussex County Council.
Councillor Noel Atkins declared an interest as a Member of West Sussex County Council.
Councillor Paul High declared an interest as a Member of West Sussex County Council.
Councillor Bob Smytherman declared an interest as a Member of West Sussex County Council and an interest in Item 10 as a Member of the Worthing Action Alliance.
Confirmation of Minutes To approve the Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 23 July 2019, copies of which have been previously circulated. A copy is available to view at Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2019 be approved as a correct record and that they be signed by the Mayor. |
Questions from the Public
To receive any questions from members of the public addressed to Member of the Executive in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. There is up to 5 minutes for each question, one supplementary question may be asked arising from the original question.
Questions must relate to any matter the Council has power or which affects the Borough, except no questions may be asked in relation to
a) A specific planning or licensing application b) A specific staffing appointment or appeal, or Standards determination
Public question time will last up to 30 minutes; questions will be taken in the order of receipt. The deadline for submission of questions is Friday 18 October 2019 at 12 noon. Questions to be submitted to Minutes: The Mayor announced that there were 5 registered questions for the meeting.
Q1 - Mr Field, a Worthing resident, asked the following question:-
What is the Council’s strategy to encourage tenants to set up businesses in vacant retail space in the town of worthing?
Has the Council considered relaxing the planning regulations regarding the use of space in the town?
I would refer you to the ‘Shops, Offices and Railway Premises Act’ and current planning bye laws as these could be relaxed. As such, these changes would allow the use of existing office and retail premises to be converted to residential housing, research and development or light industrial use.
Steps must be taken to address this matter. The town of Worthing today looks sad and neglected and is in need of the Council’s urgent attention.
The Executive Member for Regeneration replied that the existing retail policies for the town centre sought to protect the primary retail frontages and the key retail function that had traditionally been prevalent in town centres across the country.
However, it was acknowledged that the retail sector was experiencing rapid change and, as a consequence, to ensure that town centres remained vibrant and economically active relevant policies and strategies were having to react to this changing market.
For this reason, in recent years the Council had applied a good degree of flexibility when applying these policies for proposals where it could be demonstrated that an alternative (or more flexible) use would help to meet wider objectives and deliver vitality and economic growth to the heart of the town.
Furthermore, within this context, the Council was currently assessing it’s policies in relation to town centres and retail as part of the Local Plan review.
A number of developments had already been seen, including Beales, where this would add greater activation but the Council knew there was still a lot to do. The Council was working with partners, including the Town Centre Initiative and Community Works, to identify projects to generate greater interest in Worthing town centre for new businesses and investors.
After an inspiring session with Bill Grimsey at the Waves Ahead Conference earlier in the year, the Council was also exploring the viability of business models that allowed the Council to work with commercial agents and landlords to create short-term / pop up use lettings.
The Council was also continuing to identify good practice around this as other town centres were facing similar challenges.
Mr Field asked a supplementary question regarding the use of the Shops & Railways Premises Act to assist.
The Executive Member for Regeneration replied that the Council would be looking at the legislation but pointed out that changes were already happening, e.g. a number of units in the Montague Centre.
Q2 - Mr Davey, a Worthing resident, asked the following question:-
On taking the role of chair of the Greater Brighton Economic Board in July, Cllr Humphreys identified his priorities which included clean growth and improving transport infrastructure, particularly the A27. ... view the full minutes text for item C/30/19-20 |
Announcements by the Mayor, Leader of the Council, Executive Members or the Head of Paid Service Minutes: A minute silence was held for former Councillor Geoffrey Hart, who served as a Councillor on Worthing Borough Council from 1998 to 2004.
The Mayor informed Council of the events she had attended since the Full Council meeting in July 2019 and encouraged Members to support her at the remembrance commemorations by the Town Hall War Memorial on the following dates:-
A Vote of Thanks was presented to Councillor Paul Baker in order to commemorate his year in Office.
The Mayor also highlighted a number of forthcoming Mayor’s Charity Events.
The following Executive Member announcements were noted:-
Resolved that the Mayor write a letter of congratulations on behalf of the Council.
Items raised under Urgency Provisions To consider any items the Mayor has agreed are urgent. Minutes: There were no urgent items raised.
Recommendations from the Executive and Committees to Council PDF 50 KB To consider recommendations to the Council, details of which are set out in the attached items as 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D and 7E
Full reports are available on the website as listed below:
Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it recommendations from the Joint Governance Committee, the Joint Strategic Committee and the Licensing & Control Committee ‘B’.
Extracts of these minutes had been circulated as items 7A, 7B, 7C(i) & (ii), 7D and 7E.
Item 7A Joint Governance Committee - 30 July 2019
Joint Governance Committee Appointments: Parish Councillors
The JGC Chairman presented a recommendation from the Joint Governance Committee meeting held on 30 July 2019, which was to appoint representatives from Lancing and Sompting Parish Councils to the Joint Governance Committee as co-opted Members in accordance with the Constitution.
The proposal was seconded by Councillor Bob Smytherman.
On a vote: For 32, Against 0, Abstain 2
That the nomination from Lancing Parish Council of the appointment of Cllr Ann Bridges as a Co-Opted Member of the Joint Governance Committee for 2019/20 be approved
That the nomination from Sompting Parish Council of the appointment of Cllr Caroline Baxter as a Co-Opted Member of the Joint Governance Committee for 2019/20 be approved
Item 7B Joint Strategic Committee - 10 September 2019
Our Growing Regional Economy - An Update on the Greater Brighton Economic Board
The Leader presented the recommendation from the Joint Strategic Committee meeting held on 10 September 2019.
The proposal was seconded by Cllr Kevin Jenkins.
On a vote: For 34, Against 0, Abstain 0
That Worthing Borough Council ratified the proposed amendment to the Greater Brighton Economic Board’s Head of Terms relating to Arun District Council’s membership of the Greater Brighton Economic Joint Committee (which meets with the Greater Brighton Business Partnership as the Greater Brighton Economic Board), subject to the decision of other constituents authorities, and delegated authority to the Solicitor to the Council to make consequential changes to the Joint Committee Agreement and the Councils’ Constitutions.
Item 7C(i) Joint Governance Committee - 24 September 2019
Appointment of Chairmen and Vice Chairmen to Committees
The JGC Chairman introduced a recommendation from the Joint Governance Committee meeting held on 24 September 2019.
The proposal was seconded by Cllr Rebecca Cooper.
The council debated the recommendation. Some members supported the recommendation suggesting that without a secret ballot at Committee the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Committees were political appointments along party lines.
In opposition to the recommendation, it was stated that a secret ballot did not conform with open, transparent or accountable government.
On a vote: For 12, Against 19, Abstain 3
The recommendation from the Joint Governance
Committee was not supported. Item 7C(ii) Joint Governance Committee - 24 September 2019
Conferment of Honorary Alderman - Alex Harman
The JGC Chairman introduced a recommendation from the Joint Governance Committee meeting held on 24 September 2019.
The proposal was seconded by Councillor Bob Smytherman.
On a vote: For 34, Against 0, Abstain 0
That Worthing Borough Council approved that a special meeting of the Council be arranged under section 249(1) of the Local Government Act for the specific purpose of conferring the title of ‘Honorary Alderman’ to ... view the full minutes text for item C/33/19-20 |
Report of the Leader on Decisions taken by the Executive PDF 127 KB To receive a report from the Leader as item 8. The report contains decisions taken by the Executive, Executive Members and the Joint Strategic Committee since the last Council meeting.
There will be up to 15 minutes for Executive Members to make any statements on the report. There will also be up to 15 minutes for Executive Members to respond to questions on the report. These questions will not be the same as any to be asked under Item 10.
(Note: Papers relating to items under 7 and 8 have been previously circulated and can be viewed here on the Council’s website Minutes: The Leader of the Council presented his report on decisions taken by the Executive since the last Ordinary meeting of the Council; which were detailed in Item 8.
It was noted that decisions JAW/010/19-20 and JAW/011/19-20 were decisions taken by the Executive Member for Regeneration rather than the Executive Member for Digital & Environmental Services.
Questions were asked in relation to Boundary Signage, the Climate Emergency and Ash Dieback.
Pay Policy Statement 2019/20 PDF 184 KB To receive a report from the Director for Digital & Resources, attached as item 9. Minutes: Before the Council was a report by the Director for Digital and Resources, a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as item 9.
The report before members sought approval of the Pay Policy Statement 2019/20, which was a statutory requirement under Section 38 (1) of the Localism Act 2011.
The Pay Policy Statement was proposed, seconded and, on a vote, was approved unanimously.
Resolved: that the Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 be approved.
Members Questions under Council Procedure Rule 12 Members question time will last up to 30 minutes, with questions being taken in the order of receipt and in rotation from each political group on the Council. The deadline for submission of questions is Friday 18 October at 12 noon . Questions to be submitted to
Questions can be asked of the following: a) The Mayor b) A Member of the Executive c) The Chairman of any Committee d) The Council’s representative on any outside body
Questions cannot be asked in relation to the following: a) A specific planning or licensing application b) A specific staffing appointment, appeal or Standards determination Minutes: The Mayor announced that the Proper Officer had received 6 questions from Members in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12. She advised that one supplementary question could be asked which must arise out of the original question, or, the reply.
Questions would be asked in rotation of the Groups represented in the Chamber and there was 30 minutes allowed for questions with 4 rotations of speakers possible. At the end of 30 minutes the Mayor explained that she would extend the time to conclude the current rotation of questions.
The Mayor announced that the following Councillors had submitted questions:
Councillors Jim Deen, Martin McCabe, Sally Smith & Bob Smytherman
The order would be
First rotation: Councillors Sally Smith and Martin McCabe
Second rotation: Councillors Jim Deen and Martin McCabe
Third rotation: Councillor Bob Smytherman
Fourth rotation: Councillor Bob Smytherman
First rotation:
Question from Councillor Sally Smith to the Executive Member for Health & Wellbeing
Could the Executive member for Health and Welbeing please provide us with an estimated cost for the recent dog- related PSPO consultation?
The Executive Member for Health & Wellbeing replied that the Public Health & Regulation costs were estimated to be £1,900. These costs reflected staff time and printing.
Councillor Smith’s supplementary question asked about the amount of research undertaken before the consultation was published.
The Executive Member for Health & Wellbeing replied that the PSPOs were coming up for review and would be subject to a continuous cycle of review over the next 3 year period.
Question from Councillor Martin McCabe to the Executive Member for Digital & Environmental Services
Does the Executive Member agree with me and our European friends from the Netherlands that our bus stops could be converted to Bee Stops?
The Executive Member for Digital & Environmental Services replied that the Council was committed to the exploration of innovative initiatives such as Bee Stops and other best practice related ways of increasing biodiversity. He was happy to look at the proposal alongside a number of other initiatives to improve biodiversity.
Councillor McCabe’s supplementary question asked whether the Executive Member for Digital & Environmental Services would meet with Councillor McCabe to take this forward.
The Executive Member for Digital and Environmental Services replied that he would.
Question from Councillor Jim Deen to the Executive Member for Regeneration
Could the Executive member for regeneration confirm the current projected costs for the proposed scheme of public realm improvements for Portland Road.
The Executive Member for Regeneration replied that Portland Road was part of a £5m shared project between Worthing Borough Council and West Sussex County Council. It was noted that following consultation, various proposals were on the table and currently, a decision hadn’t been taken to decide which model would be taken forward.
As a supplementary question, Councillor Deen sought clarification regarding the details of the scheme put forward for public consultation.
The Executive Member for Regeneration replied that the consultation went out with the original plans. Following engagement with local businesses and residents, the architects had come back with alternative ... view the full minutes text for item C/36/19-20 |
Motion from Councillor Martin McCabe - Stop Brexit
To consider a Motion on Notice, submitted by the Proper Officer on behalf of Councillor Martin McCabe, detailed as item 11.
Minutes: Before the Committee was a report by the Director of Communities, which had been circulated to all members and a copy of which is attached to the signed version of these minutes.
The motion was proposed by Councillor Martin McCabe and seconded by Councillor Bob Smytherman.
Council debated the motion, raising concerns regarding the suitability of the motion before Council.
On a vote: For 2, Against 31, Abstain 1
Resolved that Worthing Borough Council did not support the motion.
Motion from Councillor Bob Smytherman - Introduce a Committee System for decision making at Worthing Borough Council
To consider a Motion on Notice, submitted by the Proper Officer on behalf of Councillor Bob Smytherman, detailed as item 12.
Minutes: Before the Committee was a report by the Director of Communities, which had been circulated to all members and a copy of which is attached to the signed version of these minutes.
The motion was proposed by Councillor Bob Smytherman and seconded by Councillor Martin McCabe.
In accordance with the Constitution, the Motion was noted and immediately referred to the Joint Governance Committee.
In accordance with the Constitution the Motion was noted and immediately referred to the Joint Governance Committee for consideration.
Motion from Councillor Sally Smith - Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI)
To consider a Motion on Notice, submitted by the Proper Officer on behalf of Councillor Sally Smith, detailed as item 13.
Minutes: Before the Committee was a report by the Director of Communities, which had been circulated to all members and a copy of which is attached to the signed version of these minutes.
The motion was proposed by Councillor Sally Smith and seconded by Councillor Dawn Smith.
Council debated the motion and were in general agreement with the issue. An amendment was proposed to the motion by Councillor Daniel Humphreys which was seconded by Councillor Val Turner.
The motion, as amended, was approved unanimously.
Resolved: This Council pledges support for the state pension inequality for 1950’s women campaign. This Council supports the work of the All Party Parliamentary Group on state pension inequality co chaired by the excellent MP’s Carolyn Harris and Tim Loughton since 2016. We thank our local MP for the work on this matter both nationally and with local women affected and the proposals that they have brought forward. This council will join 150+ Councils across the Country in calling upon the Government to make fair transitional state pension arrangements for women born in the 1950s, including those in our own community, who have unfairly borne the burden of the increase to the State Pension Age (SPA) with little or no appropriate notification.