Venue: QEII Room Shoreham Centre
Contact: Chris Cadman-Dando
Democratic Services Officer
01903 221364
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interests / Substitute Members Members and officers must declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to any business on the agenda. Declarations should also be made at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting.
If in doubt contact the Legal or Democratic Services representative for this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Harvey declared a substitution for Cllr Flower
Councillor McGregor declared a substitution for Cllr Bellasis |
Public Question Time To receive any questions from Members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 11.2
(Note: Public Question Time will operate for a maximum of 30 minutes.) Minutes: There were no questions from the public |
Minutes To approve the minutes of the Licensing Committee meetings held on the 22 March 2022 Minutes: Resolved: that the minutes of the meeting of the 20 June be approved as the correct record |
Items Raised Under Urgency Provisions To consider any items the Chairman of the meeting considers to be urgent Minutes: There were no urgent items |
Constitutional Provisions relating to the Councils’ Licensing Function To consider a report by the Public Health & Regulation Manager and the Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer, copy attached as item 5 Additional documents: Minutes: Before the Committee was a report by the Interim Director for Communities, a copy of which had been circulated to all members, a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as item 5. The report before members proposed revised governance arrangements and procedures for licensing committees and sub-committees and provided an opportunity to refer to national best practice, produce efficiency savings, streamline procedures, align processes and provide a more effective service to both businesses and lone applicants.
The Head of Public Health and Regulation was present to answer questions.
Members asked questions about the selections of members on sub-committees and the timing of meetings. The recommendations were discussed and unanimously approved.
Resolved: that the proposals of the report be supported and recommended to the Joint Governance Committee for consideration. |