Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: QE2 Room, Shoreham Centre, Shoreham-by-Sea

Contact: Chris Cadman-Dando
Democratic Services Officer
01903 221364  Email

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies of absence were received by the Chair from Councillors Carol Albury, Emma Evans and Nigel Sweet.



Declarations of interest

Members and Officers must declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to any business on the agenda. Declarations should also be made at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting.


If in doubt contact the Legal or Democratic Services representative for this meeting.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interests.


Confirmation of Minutes

To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Thursday 24th October 2024, copies of which have been previously circulated.


Resolved, that the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 24 October 2024 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chair.


Questions from the public

To receive any questions from members of the public addressed to Members of the Cabinet in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. There is up to 5 minutes for each question, one supplementary question may be asked arising from the original question.


Questions must relate to any matter the Council has power or which affects the District except no questions may be asked on


a)    A specific planning or licensing application

b)    A specific staffing appointment or appeal or Standards determination


Public question time will last up to 30 minutes; questions will be taken in the order of receipt. 

The deadline for submission of questions is 16th December 2024 at 12 noon. Questions to be submitted to 


Question 1 from Brian Whipp (on behalf of Catherine Davis), an Adur resident, to the Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure


The Sussex Wildlife Trust, RSPB and Shoreham & District Ornithological Society have all highlighted that the Adur Estuary is a nationally important site of special interest. It is particularly important for migrating Wadurs. These are being disturbed by loose dogs and recreational activities.



How can the Council help protect these vulnerable birds and the natural environment in and around the Adur Valley?


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure thanked Mr Whipp for the question, and for his concern. Having heard from some of the organisations the questioner is representing tonight, I understand the issues being raised. We value the Adur estuary and particularly its Site of Special Scientific Interest status. As we know, it provides a rare habitat and feeding grounds for a number of species of wading birds.


It is a challenge for all of us to balance the need to protect and enhance the SSSI with recreational activities and dog walking that take place, in a way that respects nature.


Some areas of Adur are covered by Public Spaces Protection Orders which, for example, require dogs to be kept on a lead and limit the number of dogs a walker can have with them. Most dog owners and walkers act responsibly wherever they are in the district, but there remain further educational opportunities to raise awareness of respect for our environment and wildlife.

The Council will shortly be consulting on the current Public Space Protection Orders. Certainly if evidence on the topic you raise is provided as part of the consultation exercise then actions such as regulations or signage can be considered further for public spaces.


The banks of the Adur Estuary have many different landowners and we are happy to speak with these land owners and wildlife groups who would like to explore what dog controls may be possible, and appropriate.


Announcements by the Chair, Leader of the Council, Cabinet Members and / or Head of Paid Service



The Chair informed the Council about a number of meetings and events that she had attended since the Full Council meeting held in October 2024. These included:-



1.     The NSPCC AGM for Adur, Worthing and Arun at Arundel Castle;

2.     The Adur and Worthing Business Awards;

3.     The Remembrance events at Shoreham and Lancing;

4.     The Memorial Event at SRWA;

5.     A Fund Raising Dinner;

6.     The Lancing Christmas Fayre and Trail;

7.     The Lancing Methodist Church Christmas Fayre;

8.     Christmas Fayre and Carols at Chesham House;

9.     South Downs Leisure series of meeting; and

10.  Visit by HRH Princess Anne to meet Coastwatch volunteers at Shoreham Sailing Centre.


The Leader made the following announcements:-


Changes to the Labour Membership of JOSC and Adur OSC - The Leader advised Council that Cllr Debs Stainforth would fill the Labour vacancies on both the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee and the Adur Overview & Scrutiny Committee.

That a letter had been sent to the West Sussex Pension Fund as a follow up to the deputation received at the October Full Council meeting;

That the Leader had been appointed to the West Sussex Economic Growth Board as a representative of the District and Borough Councils in West Sussex following his nomination by the West Sussex Leaders’ Board;

That a White Paper regarding devolution proposals had been published on the 16th December 2024.            


The Cabinet Member for Housing & Citizen Services made the following announcements:-

Update regarding the Motion on Notice presented to the Full Council meeting in October regarding the Winter Fuel Allowance - Officers had supported 57 pensioners to move onto Pension Credit and given that a number of other applications were still being processed, it was expected that the number of pensioners in Adur receiving Pension Credit would increase further. The Council had also contacted a further 199 pensioners who had just missed out on receiving Pension Credit and would be using the Household Support Fund to issue each household with a £200 voucher. Additionally, the Council had partnered with Southern Water and using the Council’s data, 4,500 residents had been auto enrolled onto the Southern Water Essentials Tariff which meant they will save at least £177 per year, which amounted to a combined saving of £795k across Adur & Worthing who were the first Councils to have such an arrangement;

Last week, residents came to Eastbrook Manor Community Centre for a Cost of Living Event, where they could speak to a host of organisations. Benefits checks were offered to all those who attended as well as support from the Council’s Proactive Team;  

The Council’s Warm Spaces Programme had been opened again for the third year;

New Housing Provision

Properties in the South Street development were almost ready to be used by local residents, keys were due to be handed over in January 2025;

Properties in Albion Street were due to be occupied in February 2025; and

Ground works had started at the Gravelly Road Development.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure announced that  ...  view the full minutes text for item C/37/24-25


Items raised under urgency provisions

To consider any items the Chair has agreed are urgent.


The Chair advised that there had been no items raised under urgency.


Recommendations from the Cabinet and Committees to Council pdf icon PDF 303 KB

To consider recommendations to the Council, details of which are set out in the attached items as 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D and 7E. 


Reports are available on the website as listed below:



Cabinet / Committee




Adur Licensing Committee

11 November 2024

Gambling Act 2005 - Review of Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy 


Joint Strategic Committee

12 November 2024

Proposal to continue the Council Tax Support Scheme for Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council in respect of 2025/26


Joint Audit & Governance Committee 

19 November 2024

Regulation of Cosmetic Piercing and Skin Colouring Businesses



Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee

3 December 2024

Review of Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme for 2024/25


Joint Strategic Committee

10 December 2024

Joint Mid Year Treasury Management Review 2024/25


Additional documents:


7(A)     Adur Licensing Committee - 11 November 2024


Gambling Act 2005 - Review of Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy


The Chair of the Licensing Committee, Councillor Carol O’Neal,  introduced the recommendations from the Committee, which were seconded by Councillor Paul Mansfield and following a vote, were supported.


Resolved: that the Council endorsed the Licensing Committee recommendations and approved the adoption of the updated policy which would come into force on the 31st January 2025. 



7(B)     Joint Strategic Committee - 12 November 2024


Proposal to continue the Council Tax Support Scheme for Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council in respect of 2025/26


The Leader of the Council introduced the recommendations from the Joint Strategic Committee, which were seconded by Councillor Robina Baine and following a vote, were unanimously supported.


Resolved: that Adur District Council approved that the Council Tax Support scheme in respect of working age customers for 2025/26 should:


Be based upon the current Council Tax Support scheme for 2024/25 with no restrictions; and

Not be further altered with any other changes beyond necessary technical amendments required to keep the scheme consistent with the national rules in respect of Housing Benefit.





7(C)     Joint Audit & Governance Committee - 19 November 2024


Regulation of Cosmetic Piercing and Skin Colouring Businesses


The Chair of the Joint Audit & Governance Committee, Councillor Debs Stainforth, introduced the recommendations from the Joint Audit & Governance Committee, which were seconded by Councillor Nigel Corston and following a vote, were unanimously supported.


Resolved: that Adur District Council agreed:


to adopt the model byelaws attached at Appendix 1 in respect of acupuncture, tattooing, cosmetic piercing, electrolysis and semipermanent skin colouring businesses;

a regulatory impact assessment be completed and both the proposed byelaw and regulatory impact statement are published for consultation on the Council’s website;

the Public Health and Regulation Manager publish a statement on the results of the consultation and regulatory impact assessment and makes those available to the affected businesses,

the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to take all necessary steps in connection with the making of those byelaws and apply to the Secretary of State for Health for their confirmation; and

that the Common Seal of the Council may be affixed to the byelaws.



7(D)     Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee - 3 December 2024


Review of Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme for 2024/25


The Chair of the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Joss Loader, introduced the recommendations from the Joint Strategic Committee, which were seconded by Councillor Nigel Jenner and following a vote, were unanimously supported.


Resolved: that Adur District Council noted the changes made to the JOSC Work Programme since it was agreed by both Councils in July 2024.



7(E)     Joint Strategic Committee - 10 December 2024


Joint Mid Year Treasury Management Review 2024/25


The Leader of the Council introduced the recommendations from the Joint Strategic Committee, which were seconded by Councillor Safa Jan and supported.


Resolved: that Adur District Council noted the contents of the report.


Report of the Leader on decisions taken by the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 132 KB

To receive a report  from the Leader as item 8. The report contains decisions taken by the Cabinet Members and the Joint Strategic Committee since the last Full Council meeting held on the 24th October 2024.  


There will be up to 15 minutes for Cabinet Members to make any statements on the report. There will also be up to 15 minutes for Cabinet Members to respond to questions on the report. These questions will not be the same as any to be asked under Item.  


Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council presented his report on decisions taken by the Cabinet since the last meeting of the Council, which were detailed in Item 8.


A question was raised regarding repairs due in Warren Court in relation to timescale and engagement.


Members question time under Council Procedure Rule 12

Members' question time will last up to 30 minutes, with questions being taken in the order of receipt and in rotation from each political group on the Council. The deadline for submission of questions is 16th December 2024 at 12 noon. Questions to be submitted to


Questions can be asked of the following:

a)    The Chair

b)    A Member of the Cabinet

c)    The Chair of any Committee

d)    The Council’s representative on any outside body


Questions cannot be asked in relation to the following:

a)    A specific planning or licensing application

b)    A specific staffing appointment, appeal or Standards determination



Rotation One


Cllr Neil Parkin asked the following question:


Could I please have an update on Buckingham Park’s new sports pavilion. Including size and construction timetable.



The Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Strategic Planning replied that the new administration were looking to ensure that the Council spent every pound of public money wisely and were looking very carefully at the scheduling with respect to the plans for the capital programme, Buckingham Park Pavilion forms part of the plan.


Given the material impact capital borrowing had on the revenue budget, the Council had been doing a zero based review of the capital programme to determine what could be responsibly delivered in the 2025/26 programme.


The Council wanted to have confidence in the medium to long term financial viability of the building. We also want to prioritise projects which can be done in partnership with others in order to share risk and reward going forward.


That work is ongoing, and the Cabinet Member gave an assurance that she would be able to share more with Members in the new year as part of the budget setting process.


Cllr Thompson asked the following question:


It's known that this extremely powerful herbicide damages much more than the targeted weeds when sprayed. This includes killing other plants and insects including pollinators, and damaging other wildlife as well as humans as it is a known carcinogen.



I'd like to ask for details of the Adur Council policy on this. And as much of the local usage is by WSCC, I'd like to ask whether we can prevail upon that council to reduce or eliminate use in our district.



Other local councils around the country are finding ways to seriously reduce use. This includes policies of only using spot applications on pernicious weeds rather than using blanket spraying, and encouraging local residents to carry out their own hand weeding.



The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure replied that he had presumed that the question relates to the use of glyphosate.  As you have pointed out, West Sussex County Council as the Highways Authority is responsible for keeping roads and pavements free from weeds.  They currently do this through the application of herbicide twice a year, and they have information regarding their program on their website. 


In terms of the Council’s use of pesticides, the Cabinet Member confirmed that the Council did not use glyphosate at all in Adur’s parks and open spaces. There was currently limited occasional use in some housing areas where there were large areas of paving but this was currently under review.  The Council was updating its policy on the use of pesticides with the aim of removing its use wherever it was possible, with the ambition of phasing out pesticide use completely in parks and open spaces. It was anticipated that this would be challenging as there were currently limited effective, affordable alternatives.


A previous answer to a question at Council on this topic included the desire to explore community based alternatives - allowing residents  ...  view the full minutes text for item C/41/24-25