Venue: QE2 Room, Shoreham Centre, Shoreham-by-Sea
Contact: Chris Cadman-Dando
Democratic Services Officer
01903 221364
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Catherine Arnold and Sharon Sluman |
Declarations of interest Members and officers must declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to any business on the agenda. Declarations should also be made at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting.
If in doubt contact the Legal or Democratic Services representative for this meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made |
Honorary Aldermen and Alderwomen of the District of Adur To consider the following recommendations of the Council held on 15 December 2022:
that the honour and title of Honorary Aldermen/Alderwomen of the District of Adur be conferred on the following former Councillors
Brian Boggis Geoff Howitt Debbie Kennard Liza McKinney
in grateful recognition of his eminent and distinguished service rendered to the Council and the District, pursuant to Section 249 of the Local Government Act, 1972. Minutes: The council was asked to consider conferment of the title of Honorary Alderman/Alderwomen on four former Councillors. Those being Geoff Howitt, Liza McKinney, Debbie Kennard and Brian Boggis.
Each Councillor was proposed seconded and unanimously approved
Resolved: in grateful recognition of eminent and distinguished service, pursuant to Section 249 of the Local Government Act, 1972, the following former Councillors be conferred with the title of Honorary Alderman / Honorary Alderwoman
· Honorary Alderman Geoff Howitt; · Honorary Alderwoman Liza McKinney; · Honorary Alderwoman Debbie Kennard; · Honorary Alderman Brian Boggis |