25 Western Harbour Arm Review PDF 234 KB
To consider a report by the Director for Place, copy attached as item 12
Additional documents:
Before the Committee was a report by the Director for Place, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 12.
The Adur Local Plan (adopted 2017) and Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (adopted 2019) set a planning policy framework for the regeneration of the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Area, a defined area from Adur Ferry bridge to Hove Lagoon and straddling the local authority boundaries of Adur District and Brighton and Hove City Council. The JAAP identified seven ‘character areas’, one of which, the Western Harbour Arm, is located entirely within Adur and was identified within the Adur Local Plan 2017 a strategic mixed use area suitable for the development of a minimum of 1,100 homes.
Sites were coming forward for development, although at higher densities than predicted. As a result the overall number of dwellings delivered across the JAAP area could significantly exceed the minimum figure allocated in the Adur Local Plan (ALP) and Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP). Although this will help address housing shortfalls, this has resulted in concerns from the local community and District Councillors regarding infrastructure delivery and that increased densities would not accord with the JAAP in terms of layout, open space and place making.
As such a ‘review’ was being undertaken to consider delivery at the Western Harbour Arm. This report sets out key elements of that review for information.
Members supported the report and lauded the work that had been completed in developing it.
The Adur Sub Committee of the Joint Strategic Committee
1) Notes the publication of the Position Statement Topic Papers, Delivery Map etc;
2) Notes the consultant’s report and its findings;
3) Notes the appointment of a dedicated Shoreham Harbour Delivery Officer for a period of six months;
4) Notes the creation of a Developer’s Forum for the Western Harbour Arm and a wider Adur Infrastructure Delivery Group:
5) Notes the proposed appointment of Consultants to prepare a place based study/design code for the Western Harbour arm and related sites;
6) Notes work being undertaken to highlight the economic impacts of the regeneration of the Western Harbour Arm.
The call-in deadline for the decisions will be 5.00pm on Monday 9 October 2023.